Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Squee! A Tree!

Back in September I mentioned that we were thinking about getting a second Christmas tree so we could have one in our family room in the basement. We figured that when the right tree crossed our paths, we'd go for it. Our preferences were: not too tall (we don't have any vaulted ceilings in our house, so 7.5' is as tall as we can go), not too wide, pre-lit, easy to put up and take down, and bonus points if it's flocked. 

Sam's Club had the perfect tree, but every time I went there, it was out of stock. Then one day, they suddenly had four, so I snagged one! It's a pre-lit, 7.5' beautifully flocked specimen. That, of course, meant I also had to buy decorations for it! 

I set the tree up last Thursday night and let my girls decorate it. Then I waited patiently for Monday to roll around so I could take it apart and re-do it. I'm a Christmas tree control freak, and I wanted to add ribbon, which I hadn't purchased yet. 

Ribbon prep

I'm not proud. I know that being a Christmas tree control freak is an unflattering quality. But I can't help it. 

I blame my grandma

Anyway, yesterday was the only day my kids had school this week, so I got the tree done while there were no little helpers. Eva was home, but I distracted her with Mario Kart. 

Here it is:

It's hard to get a decent picture because the lighting in the basement is terrible, but here are a few close-ups so you can see some of the details:

Being able to shop for and put together a new tree for this year was a good way to close out 2020. It gave me something to be excited about. 

I went with blue-ish/green-ish ornaments to match our basement and then included some burlap-y and gold-y glittery stuff. I don't know all the right vocabulary words - I just know that I like it, and it sparkles. 

You know who else would like my tree? My grandma! Oh, yes! She would give it two thumbs up, I'm sure!


love.joy.lane said...

Yes she would!

Love your posts lately

Mama B said...

Another gorgeous tree!

Jana Lyn said...

Your tree looks so good!! And Grandma would definitely approve.