Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Incomplete List of Things That Make Me Happy

1. Dogs with their heads sticking out of car windows. I'm not a dog person, but this is the exception. I love seeing dogs riding in vehicles with their heads hanging out of the windows. They look so happy! And I swear they are always smiling!

2. When my kids reach physical milestones. It makes me so happy to see my kids learn to clap, walk, ride a bike, cross the monkey bars, etc.

3. When Scotty makes the bed. Or changes the laundry. Or does the dishes. Basically any time I discover that Scotty has already completed a task I thought I was going to have to do, I am elated!

4. Seeing the sunrise. My days are always better if I'm outside when the sun comes up.

5. When little kids know my name. Or when they have a name for me - regardless of its accuracy. It always makes me smile when I walk into my kids' school, and kids rush up to me to say, "Hello, Mrs, Brittany!" Likewise, I love when I see kids from the primary, and they call me "Sister Brittany" (or "Mister Brittany," as one of them used to say).

6. Finding a new recipe that's a "keeper." I try a lot of recipes, and I keep very few. So I'm always delighted to find a recipe we really like.

7. Pressure washing stuff. It's a great mixture of satisfaction and aggression release. Yesterday I pressure washed several sets of blinds from our house, and  it was pretty much the greatest things I've done in my life.

8. A clean vehicle. I love when my van is freshly washed, vacuumed, and Armor-all-ed. When it happens (a very rare occurrence), I just want to spend all day driving around. 

9. Music. Need I say more?

10. When my kids help each other without being asked to. They simply melt my heart when they do this, and I think, "Wow! I'm raising good people!"

1 comment:

love.joy.lane said...

My kids aren't great with bikes (I think my own fear of them gets in the way when though I try to keep it to myself) so when they finally learn I want to sing it from the rooftops .. great list!