Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Nicky and the Pandemic Life

Nicky is the perfect candidate for social distancing. It hasn't phased him much. On the first day of distance learning, he said, "I think I'd rather be at school," but that's the only comment he's made that would even remotely suggest that he isn't just fine with the situation (don't get me wrong - he complains about plenty of other things, but none of them have to do with socializing). He's been really happy to be able to return to his wardrobe of choice - Hawaiian shirts and gym shorts - rather than the school dress code of polos and khakis. He's good at getting his school done. He starts as early as possible because he wants to be done as early as possible. I have to help him with assignments every now and then, but I never have to nag him to get his school work done. He's a fantastic self-starter, and he's pretty responsible about it (I cannot say the same for his daily chores and household responsibilities).

I've really lucked out with Nicky. He is a great kid and a wonderful helper. I have to nag him to do his chores, to read, and to practice the piano, but when I ask him for help with other things, he is always willing.

Nicky and I butt heads a lot because he's always in my space. I get so annoyed with him because he follows me everywhere and is always within three feet of me. He constantly says, "Watch this, Mom!" He makes the most annoying noises, and he never stops talking to me. I always have to remind myself to be grateful that my teenage son wants to talk to me, but I often have to ask him to be quiet. He wants to be seen and heard at all times, so he is always tapping, talking, or singing, and I am forever pleading, begging, and threatening for him to STOP MAKING NOISE. He makes this horrible pig squeal sound that makes my blood boil instantly, and for some reason, he walks around saying, "Hamburger," all day. I don't think it's appropriate to yell "Shut up!" at your kids, but I confess, as of late, I have been yelling, "Nicky! SHUT! UP!" There is a chance I'm going to snap soon, and it's going to be a result of Nicky making noise.

Nicky is really creative and inventive, so he is always making things out of whatever he can find in the house or garage. He makes a lot of videos on the iphone and then spends hours watching his creations (and forcing us to watch them). He likes riding his bike, but for some reason, keeps his helmet on between bike rides. The other day he did a pacer test with his helmet on, and a few nights ago, he was messing around in the front yard and hit his head against our house while he was wearing his helmet.

Of all my kids, Nicky seems to be the one who's most interested in things I am interested in. We have some good conversations, and this might be why he is so keen on being in my space and talking to me all the time. I see some of my good qualities in Nicky and some of my bad. He is a lot like me, but he is also a lot like Scotty. Nicky has some of Scotty's best qualities, and if he grows up to be just like his dad, I will feel like he is truly a gift to this world (he is anyway, but will be so even more when he outgrow the pig squealing thing).

Sometimes I watch Nicky and think, "Yep, I've got the weird kid." I suppose all teenage boys are unusual in some way, but Nicky is very different from his peers. He's not interested in the same things. Mostly, I'm okay with that, but every now and then it makes me sad because it affects his sense of belonging - or MY sense of his belonging (I always have to discern between his true feelings and feelings I project on him out of my maternal fears and worries). He handles it okay overall, but there have been a few times where he has come home from social events (usually young men activities), and I can tell his spirit has been crushed. In that regard, it has been really nice to have all social events eliminated right now. I'm definitely not going to complain that some of my son's time in junior high is passing by with him not being able to go to school (can we have another pandemic when it's Daisy's turn? Because I can't even begin to deal with it).

If I have to be stuck at home with my kids, I'm glad Nicky is one of them.

(Especially when he's quietly sleeping).

Nicky with his homemade
basketball hoop

1 comment:

JJ said...

Glad Nicky is handling it well. My teenage sons are struggling.