Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Backyard Birds

We have a couple of birdhouses in our backyard. They're nothing fancy - just some scrap wood thrown together. 

The oldest one is from Nicky's cub scouting days. It's a little decrepit, but it still does what it's supposed to. I think we've had birds in it every year since Nicky built it. We usually get multiple batches of nesters. 

Right now, it hosts black-capped chickadees, and I think they're on their way out (if they haven't left already). The babies hatched, but we couldn't see them because they've covered their nest with feathers and burrowed down inside. We could hear the babies yesterday, but today when I went outside to take this photo, I couldn't hear them. So maybe they moved on. 

The other birdhouse is a new addition. Nicky built it during the early days of quarantine. 

A mama starling ended up moving in. A European garbage bird! 

We're just going to let her be. But Scotty wants to make the hole smaller after she leaves so we don't get starlings again. 

She has five eggs that should hatch any day now!

They are so pretty! And not chocolate (as I keep having to remind myself). 

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