Thursday, April 16, 2020

Currently {April 2020 Edition}


Listening to: the best of Frozen. I haven't been able to listen to as much music as I'd like lately because my kids are always in the room with me with their millions of questions, and it makes me crazy to have them trying to talk over my jams. I love music and find it very healing, so it's a pretty big bummer for me right now.

Eating: all the toasted things. I love toast. And toasted bagels. And toasted English muffins. Just give me all the toasts.

Watching: Opinion Writing Lesson #4.

Normally I get to talk about movies or TV here, but not now that I'm facilitating distance learning with a first grader. We're planning on watching the Disney Singalong tonight on ABC, though.

Enjoying: not being in the van all day every day.

Buying: milk. That's the one thing I have to keep going to the store for. We used to go through a gallon a day, but we've cut back enough to make a gallon last almost two days. A few weeks ago, I went to Walmart, and they would only let me buy one gallon. At Smith's they let me buy two. Last week, I got away with three, and today I got away with four! I've just started placing a grocery pick-up order every few days so I can get milk. I haven't stepped foot in the actual store for over two weeks.

Craving: soda!! I am 87 days soda sober, and every now and then, I get some mega cravings.

Playing: nothing. I haven't played a single board game this week. Last week Scotty and I tried to learn Race for the Galaxy, and it completely fried our brains. I may need to reconsider my game-learning goals. My head can't handle it!

Wearing: a Utah hoodie and some athletic pants I got from Costco that fit me horribly, but they have awesome pockets.

Feeling: a little down, to be honest. This week has felt really heavy with the coronavirus things. I've been in a state of acceptance for most of this, and I've been able to function on hope. But this week, I'm tired of it. I don't have any energy or creativity left to keep my kids busy. I wish hibernation was an option.

There are occasional things that light a spark (or is it spark a light?) in me, though. Like yesterday we got an email from the PTA asking us to make posters and take photos for the staff of the school, and I was immediately energized. Yes! Do the appreciation things! Hooray! So that's something we will do today.

Missing: singing in a congregation. I've been okay with home church, but on Easter I realized that I miss singing as an assembly. Singing in my ward is actually quite painful (sometimes I feel like we're singing our way to our deaths or something), but I still miss it!

Laughing at: my son playing Just Dance. He plays for hours, and I laugh from joy over it.

Procrastinating: housework. I've kept up on it all week, but today, I'm letting things slide. I'm struggling with the repetitiveness of each day. I need to do something to change it up a little, but laying in bed eating chicken nuggets all day probably isn't a good alternative to the daily routine.

Looking forward to: nothing. Is there something to look forward to? I might go check the mail later, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

Grateful for: Scotty's job. I'm very thankful that we've been able to keep employment right now.

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