Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Past Week in Photos

Zoe is always leaving us surprise notes and cards. One night she got in trouble and was sent to bed early. That night, I found this under my pillow. Cue Mom Tears.

This week in photos

Eva was really hyper one night, and we couldn't get her to settle down for bed. She climbed in the hamper and was giggling and playing. A few minutes later she was sound asleep.

This week in photos

I have a habit of buying French bread on Saturday. I love dipping bread in vinegar and oil. I end up eating way too much, and then I feel yucky, but that hasn't stopped me. 

This week in photos

I've been using some balsamic vinegar that my friend Cassie gave me (she's a balsamic addict). I decided that I should find new ways to enjoy my bottle of vinegar so I can cut back on my French bread habit, so I found a recipe for a balsamic vinaigrette to make.  

This week in photos

I am and will always be a person who takes photos of food, so if you're the type of person who find this annoying, I just want you to know what boat I'm in. I'll save you a seat in case you want in.

Most mornings I drink what I refer to as "horse poo" smoothie (I used to call it something else, but for my Personal Progress, I'm cutting back on swears, so "poo it is" - but let it be known that the alternative is my favorite swear word. Well... one of them. It's so hard to choose). 

This week in photos

The other night I was holding a baby for a while, and then I passed her on to my baby-lovin' friend. Not two minutes later, the baby exploded all over her. It was the exact color of my horse poo smoothies. Now every morning, I think of baby poo while I drink my horse poo smoothie. Meanwhile, my friend thinks I conspired to make the baby poop on her. 

We did this puzzle last week. It's one we'd been looking forward to for a while. My in-laws gave it to us for Valentine's Day.  

This week in photos

Last week we took Nicky to the Salt Lake Temple to do baptisms for the dead. While we were waiting for Scotty to get off work, I tried to take a photo of Nicky in front of the temple. He is in that awkward phase where he refuses to smile nicely for a photo - he has to pull an ugly face. I always end up having to say "poop" to get him to smile (a tactic I've fallen back on since he was two-years-old). This photo was a result of me telling him, "Please don't make me say poop at the temple!"

This week in photos

I did end up getting few smiles out of him (I ended up having to say "turd"). But he's still just a big, ol goofball. 

Then I asked him to take a picture of me in front of the temple. 

This week in photos

Of course it ended up being one more weird image of me trying to get my phone back

I've been on the hunt for a new pair of athletic shoes for a while. The two pairs I own are very worn out. One pair came from my brother's DI pile and the other pair squeaks. 

This week in photos

I finally found a pair! So naturally I took this weird picture with my foot on the bathroom counter to text Koriann.

Saint Patrick's Day happened. I let my kids eat green donuts and Pringles for breakfast. They loved it, and their breath reeked for church. 

This week in photos

I hope they don't expect that to be a "thing" though. My kids are obsessed with the "things." I can't live up to every "thing."

I did my singing time at church entirely in rhyme. I ran out of rhymes ten minutes early. That's as close as I've come to my deepest fear of rap battling. Only, instead of rapping on the spot, it was more like Dr. Seussing on the spot. Some of the same skills are required, though.

Pass the salt, Lin Manuel!

With St. Paddy's came four boxes of Lucky Charms from a little leprechaun at Grandma's house. Here's how Eva's box is faring:

This week in photos

Sadly, on Saint Patrick's Day, I knocked one of my favorite glasses off the counter, and it broke. 

This week in photos

I've had two of these little beer mug shot glasses for about 13 years. I swiped them from Scotty's grandpa's cabin when we were cleaning it out. I am heart-broken!

Scotty and I are in love with these pretzels:

This week in photos

Not very many stores carry them, so I was really excited to find them at WinCo. So excited, in fact, that I forgot to buy milk... which is what I went to WinCo for. 

Scotty has been working on getting all the furniture and art installed in the Memphis Temple. Scotty has started some temples and finished some temples, but this is the first temple renovation that he has been involved with from start to finish. Very exciting!

This week in photos

He is also working on Raleigh, Washington DC, Baton Rouge, and Asuncion. 

The kids and I started working in the garden. We found some straggler carrots from last year and gave our rabbits a feast. 

This week in photos

I put Daisy in charge of planting peas. Fingers crossed that they grow! Our FHE plants didn't work out very well, and I don't really want to fake a whole pea garden to make my kids happy. 

(Though I can totally imagine myself in the backyard in my nightgown after dark staging a garden. It sounds soooo like me). 

I love this artwork by Daisy. This week we went to see it displayed at the school. 

This week in photos


This week in photos

What can I say? It works!

Also, I'm so grateful for my Hawaiian shirt/gym shorts/LeBron James socks wearing boy who helps me shovel snow without even being asked. 

(Aaaaand, this week he added suspenders to his wardrobe, and that's why I'm sending him to a junior high with uniforms next year).

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