Thursday, September 21, 2017

Picture This

A couple of months ago, I mentioned that I'd applied for an "opportunity." I didn't think anything would come of it, but it worked out, and now I'll be presenting at a women's conference in November.

One of the things I've had to do in preparation for the event is provide a bio and a photograph of myself for the program. I knew immediately that there was no photo in existence that I could use, but just in case, I scoured my files to see if I had anything ready to go. 

I wasn't surprised to discover that the nicest photo available was of me and a goat:

Bear World
{Britt & The Goat}

What I didn't realize was that I take a lot of selfies with animals. 

{Britt & The Bunny}

Weekend Fun 
{Britt & The Cow}

Those weren't really options for this event. And neither were any of these:

{Britt & Vomit Laundry}

{Britt & Pee Mattress}

  Saint George 2017
{Britt & Kid Getting Eaten by Dinosaur}

Poop Buddies 
{Britt & Poop Mug}

  The Gilmore Girls Group
{Britt & Facial Mask}

{Britt & Fake Braces}

{Britt & Costume Prize}

{Britt & Chicken Suit}

  California 2016
{Britt & Toddler}

From now on I'm going to try and take at least one "nice" photo per year. 

It's going to be hard. My face can't handle it. But I need to act like a professional once in a while. 

So here is the illusion I will give people for this round:

Just don't calculate any percentages using the above photos. Ahem....

1 comment: said...

I want to come... When, where, why?

You are very cute... Goat, braces, and all!