Thursday, August 23, 2012


I remember when the name Justin Bieber started getting thrown around - I had no idea who he was. All I knew is that his swoopy hair was on the cover of a bunch of magazines, and the term "Bieber fever" had begun to travel with the wind.

One night, I plopped down on the couch and turned on SNL, and to my surprise, this Justin Bieber person was on the show. There he was - a little boy on the screen with Tina Fey. Tina Fey was the teacher and Justin Bieber was the student. Tina's character would drift into daydreams about the boy, and, as part of his character portrayal, Justin sang to her.

You guys! I thought the singing was the joke. I didn't know he was for real! Later in the show, Justin Bieber performed, and I was like, 'Wha?!?"

And that's how I learned who Justin Bieber was.

A few months ago my friend started having her little boy grow his hair out. She told me she wanted him to have "One Direction hair." Of course I had no clue what that meant. I assumed she wanted his hair to be long enough to comb either all the way to the right... or all the way to the left. Because that would be one direction.

Somehow I figured out what One Direction meant a short time later. Then just last week, I heard my first One Direction song on the radio - my husband was kind enough to tell me who was singing and how often the song is played.

This morning I caught a few minutes of the news, and they were doing a segment on back to school fashion. There were jeggings. Lots and lots of jeggings. Jeggings that I can never wear because it would be far too disgusting.

A couple of days ago I looked up the Billboard top ten out of curiosity. I had heard three of the songs.

I don't use Twitter, Pinterest, or Google+.

I still rely exclusively on a hand-written calendar.

If you put an iPhone or iPad into my hand, I won't have any clue what to do with it.

I still have (and regularly use) a VCR.

I still read paper books.

All of this leads me to the conclusion that it has happened! I am stuck in a previous era. I spent all of my youth wondering why so many adults were stuck in the 80's.

Now I am them.

If you need me, I'll be hanging out somewhere around 2005.


heidikins said...

Then it's a good thing 2005 was such a stand-up year. ;)

I'm with you on most of those things, although I have adopted a google calendar. So perhaps that puts me in 2006? (Also a very good year.)


k said...

I hear you.

I just bought an e-reader (Kindle Fire) and I pretty much want to rave about it to everyone, everywhere. And then I remember that most people discovered this technology about four years ago and it is no longer a big thing.


Kandi said...

I must be stuck too. I finally got a smart phone last year but most everything else is beyond me. I just learned of One Direction myself thanks to my nieces. said...

100% agree. I had Paisley in 2007 and I think that is where I will forever be stuck.

Cheyenne and Seth and Co. said...

This is the funniest thing ever, because I also didn't know who Justin bieber was, and just as luck would have it, by some random course of events I ended up watching his never say never movie this very night. How random, and then I open up your blog to see none other than Justin bieber. Crazy. I love your no more mommy guilt post. I agree whole heartedly. And completely and entirely, I don't know how else to emphatically concur. Inspiration versus guilt. Genius. And I know exactly what you are talking about. And I just so enjoy your blog, and you.