Thursday, March 8, 2012


Ah! You noticed I moved!

Welcome to my housewarming party!

I'm so glad you're here!

Pull up a chair and grab a cookie. You can even take your shoes off if you want.

You might be wondering what's going on with Fluent Brittish. Well, do you remember when Michael Jordan retired from the NBA to play professional baseball? And it didn't work out? So he unretired? And then really retired?


I'm not fake retiring.

I am in the mood for change, though, and I've been considering switching back to blogger for quite a while. With the triumphant return of my home internet service, I decided the best way to celebrate is by inconveniencing all of my readers by packing my bags and relocating.

Thank you so much for sticking with me! You make my heart all a flutter.


BerlyCrow said...

Not sure why you moved back, but for me....I tried Wordpress...I even tried liking it. Wouldn't take. Welcome back.

BerlyCrow said...

And P.S....nothing makes my day more than hearing that you once again have the internets at home.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be a copycat, but I've been thinking of moving back, too! No worries. I'd follow you anywhere! xoxo

Sus said...

Yeah for home internet service!!! I'm very, very happy for you. :)

k said...

I shall follow you anywhere.

Cheyenne and Seth and Co. said...

I just love you.

Janssen said...

SO happy that you have home internet again. How did you even survive?