Saturday, March 10, 2012

Currently {March 2012}

Reading: nothing. I'm in between books at the moment (which is a strange place to be).

Watching: The Voice. 

Wondering: what it would be like to get a nose job. Not that I'm considering one or anything (all of my nose job money is going toward internet service). I just want to know what it's like to look in the mirror for the first time and see a different nose. It has to be totally weird, right?

Relieved by:.good, solid answers to prayers.

Procrastinating: calling the dentist to schedule a root canal. Ugh!

Craving: nothing at all. But only because I already ate donuts and pizza today.

Wanting: to win something. Like the Ozzy Osborne colonoscopy sweepstakes. Heck, I'll take anything! I just want to win!

Wearing: thrifted jeans that are holding on by a thread and an old hoodie that has paint all over it.

Needing: my hair trimmed and colored. Hello two-inch roots! How greasy you look today!

Addicted to:cinnamon toast.

Suffering from: zits. Stupid zits! 

Neglecting: the laundry. But seriously? Who needs pants? Psht!

Loving: Scotty (He looked over my shoulder and told me to write that. Then he walked away mooning me. That's true love right there).

Excited to: go see The Hunger Games next week. I get to leave my house without kids and go somewhere that is not church or dentist related! 

Struggling with: cleaning my house (that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now - curse you, internet!)

Splurging on: new jeans for Scotty. While we've been in the market for pants, we've gotten quite the kick out of these:

Apparently someone at Scotty's work bought a pair and has been bragging about his hidden crotch gusset. We're too cheap to spend $39.50 on fancy-crotched jeans, though, so Scotty is living it up in $16.99 Levi's from TJ Maxx.


The Pink Growl said...

I am completely in LOVE with The Voice! I watched it last night right before I went to bed and I was too crunk to even go to sleep. haha

k said...

Oh, MAN! I love "The Voice" so much! I park my can on the couch each Monday night at 8:00pm.

Lacey said...

Hidden crotch gusset! I have to show this to Steve. He will want a pair!