Monday, May 2, 2022

Currently {May 2022 Edition}


Wearing: black pants and a hoodie, but it's too hot for the hoodie, so I will need to change pretty soon. 

Struggling with: self-worth and knowing where I belong. I'm wrestling with where I should be putting my energy right now, and I'm having a hard time knowing what's right. 

Annoyed by: chirruping birds right outside my window. I don't like repetitive sounds. 

Another thing I'm annoyed by: the word chirrup. I much prefer chirp, but due to the googling I just did, I now know that chirrup and chirp are slightly different. 

Chirruping is to make repetitive, short, high-pitched sounds. 

Chirping is to make a short, high-pitched sound. 

Therefore, the birds in question are chirruping, though chirping would also be an acceptable description. However, if a bird chirped once, it wouldn't be chirruping. 

You're welcome. 

Excited about: Jurassic World Dominion

Listening to: "You Make Me Happy" by Clare Bowditch 

Thinking about: the abundance of croissants in my freezer and what to do with them. My mother-in-law keeps bringing us croissants. 

Trying: to make it through today without a nap. 

Looking forward to: planting our garden. I have the plants, but we have threatening weather in the forecast, so I'm not going to put them in the ground quite yet. "After Mother's Day" is the rule of thumb for our area. I do have some cold weather crops already growing, though, so that's holding me over for now. 


We started Avatar last night and will work on it throughout the week. For some reason, we can't sit through movies unless we're in the theater. We rarely watch a movie in one sitting, but we can sit through the equivalent (and more) in TV episodes. This must be a common thing because I saw a meme about it the other day!

Wanting: a vacation. We'll get one soon. We just need to finish up the school year and all the chaos that comes with it. Speaking of end-of-year chaos, it's teacher appreciation week, and as an appreciator of teachers, I need to come up with something to do for them. Honestly, probably the best-loved and easiest thing I've ever done for my kids' teachers was send them a card with twenty bucks in it because I was lazy and wanted them to have something they'd like. Sure, it's expensive, but they're teachers for crying out loud! They deserve far more than a twenty dollar bill. 

Eating: Jimmy John's. They really are freaky fast!

Missing: Lost. And all my other shows from the early 2000's. Streaming is awesome, and I'm all for it! But binge-watching just isn't the same as having to wait a week for the next episode or several months (sometimes years) for a new season. 

(I am not a very patient person, so I'm quite shocked at the words coming out of my fingers right now). 

Scared of: overly powerful magnets. I have a bunch in my house that I want to get rid of, but in order to safely do so, they need to be demagnetized. 

Sidenote: when Nicky was a baby, he ate a magnet (ironically - he did it while Scotty and I were watching Lost). We took him to urgent care, and they wanted to do an x-ray to see where it was in his digestive tract, but we knew it was in his stomach because we stuck a magnet on the outside of his belly (not recommended - but it saved us a few hundred dollars). They told us if it didn't come out in 5-7 days to bring him back. The dang kid didn't pass the magnet until the final day. I had to search every bowel movement for seven days! 


We played Princes of Florence over the weekend, which is a game we really enjoy. But for some reason, we always forget the rules and get confused. It's become a point of humor at game nights because we always promise that we will remember the rules for next time, and then we end up having to look the same rules up over and over.

Buying: neck fans. Because summer is coming.

Singing: "I Know that my Savior Loves Me." 

Loving: the quiet of my kid-free house right now… other than the aforementioned chirruping.

Studying: everything there is to know about the Young Women/Children & Youth program of the Church. I have been delving into every Church-issued resource I can find to try and understand it and implement it better within my stewardship in YW. 

I also did this five months ago when I was first called, but I think serving in the Church is a lot like learning a board game. You need to learn how to play, so you read through the rules and practice until it becomes more natural. But sometimes you have to go back and read the rules again to make sure you haven't adopted too many "house rules” or forgotten something important.

Procrastinating: paying a medical bill for $5.01. 

Dreading: any weather over 65 degrees. The other day I got my shorts out from their winter storage spot under my bed, and none of them fit. 

Sick of: cookies and meat trays from Costco. I have no desire to eat either of those things again for the rest of my life. You may serve them at my funeral someday as a joke... but only because I will be dead. 

Wanting: a fake tan. But I'm not willing to pay for one or get naked for one, and I'm too lazy to apply fake tanning products on myself... plus I don't want to get any fake tan residue on my clothes. So I guess I'll just stay my natural shade of white/pinkish/spotty.

Craving: a hot bath and a nap wrapped in a light blanket for a minimum of five hours with M*A*S*H playing in the background.  Also known as a coccoon-style M*A*S*H nap (it's a thing). 

Grateful for: warm feet and wi-fi.

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