Monday, December 16, 2019

The Things They Say

In my extensive selection of phone notes is a list of things my kids say. Here are some good ones from the past few weeks:

Eva: Mom! Zoe won't stop!

Me: Stop what?

Eva: Eating with her mouth!


"Zoe said if I put nail polish on my nose, I'll get super powers!"



"There's a girl in my class named Oakley, and there's a boy in the other class named Throw Up, and they are in loooooove!"


(Turns out "Throw Up" is actually named "Phillip").


"Nephi has a really good chin."

-Nicky while watching the Book of Mormon videos


Me (singing): We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind...

Zoe: Mom! That is so wuuuude to leave your friends behind while you are dancing!


Me: Tomorrow is Fast Sunday, for anyone who is interested.

Zoe: Ok. I'm not interested.


"Mom, I need to tell you a secret. Jesus' feet are sticking out of the sky!"



Eva to kid at church: You have chubby cheeks.

Kid at church: You have boogers.


Teacher: Eva, what are you thankful for?

Eva: My cat. He's dead.


Eva: Can I watch YouTube in my brain?

Me: Sure.

Eva: Okay, everyone be quiet!

(Closes eyes)


Eva: Mom, poop and tea rhyme.

Me: No they don't.

Eva: But they're both brown!

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