Monday, January 1, 2018

Birthday Wishes

Happy New Year! Today is my birthday, and I have so many free meals to eat this week that I need to make a schedule in order to fit them all in.

(Today I will be enjoying a Red Robin burger).

This morning I took some time to reflect on all of my birthday wishes from years past:

Age 1: A Cabbage Patch doll [got]
Age 2: A kitchen set [got]
Age 3: Mr. and Mrs. Heart Barbies [got and still have Mr. Heart]
Age 4: A Cinderella dress [didn't get]
Age 5: A keyboard [got]
Age 6: An MC Hammer tape [got]
Age 7: Nickelodeon [didn't get]
Age 8: A CD player [got]
Age 9: A sewing machine [got]
Age 10: Littlest Pet Shop toys [got]
Age 11: Jonathan Taylor Thomas [didn't get]
Age 12: A shirt that says "Whatever" [got]
Age 13: Wide-legged jeans [got]
Age 14: Scotty [didn't get]
Age 15: Scotty [got]
Age 16: To survive Y2K [got]
Age 17: Clear skin [didn't get]
Age 18: A new car [got...eventually - a 1997 Saturn SL2]
Age 19: An engagement ring [got]
Age 20: A house [got]
Age 21: A baby [didn't get]
Age 22: A baby [didn't get]
Age 23: A baby [got]
Age 24: The latest season of LOST on DVD [got]
Age 25: A dance party [got]
Age 26: Board games [got]
Age 27: New paint in the family room [got]
Age 28: Comments on my blog [got]
Age 29: A family vacation [got - Disneyland, of course]
Age 30: To go to two movies back to back [got - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Saving Mr. Banks]
Age 31: A degree [got... two years later]
Age 32: A new family room [didn't get]
Age 33: A Mormon Mom Planner [got]

As for my current birthday (age 34), the list of what I want is simple: a family room, kids that don't fight, a can opener, socks, walls that never get scratched or dinged, storage closets, a washer with quadruple capacity, an order of fries, Sue, a clean house, a massage, great hair, flat abs, shoes that don't hurt my feet, a healthy family, a home gym, Hugh Jackman, a dozen pairs of stretchy pants, a hot shower, a mug of cocoa, teleportation abilities, two extra arms, and a heated blanket.

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