Saturday, February 11, 2017

I Can't Believe It's February {and ten other random facts}

Fact #1: I have started using the online ordering service at our local Walmart and Smith's for my groceries each week. I order my groceries online and someone brings them out to my van, and I don't have to take my kids in the store! It is glorious!

Fact#2: Two weeks ago, we had a bit of a hiccup, though. While I was driving home, a gallon of milk tipped over, and about a quarter of the gallon spilled into my trunk. About four days later, the stink set in. I've been driving around in a stinky, rotten van for over a week now. I shampooed the carpet three times on three separate days. I also used and enzyme spray, and when that didn't work, I doused it in vinegar. Doused!!! Like Gatorade on a baseball player!

Fact #3: The crazy thing about the van was that  couldn't smell it. I have always had a very sensitive sense of smell, but about two years ago, I stopped being able to smell our family odors. I have a harder time detecting the stench of diapers, smelly kids, and sour milk. I think ten years of smells finally fried my nostrils.

Fact #4: Scotty was very displeased with the smell of the van, so he ripped out the carpet. I hope he can put it back!

Milk Catastrophe

Fact #5: I wear boots a lot in the winter, but for the past two years, bboot supply has dwindled. I remedied that by buying four pairs of boots for my birthday.

Fact #6: I bought my boots online. I have never dared to buy shoes online because I have foot drama. I have wide feet, high arches, and a case of plantar fasciititis. Plus I have wide calves, so it's hard to find a good boot that can fit my calf. BUT... I read countless reviews on my four pairs of boots and decided to take a risk. For what I paid for the boots, I am quite pleased. I'm still an awe that my success rate was four for four.

Fact #7: I have one problem with boots, though. When I wear them, I can't clean. Cleaning is already my least favorite thing on earth (in all seriousness, I would rather have a root canal than clean), so to have a factor that makes me even less capable of cleaning is a little frightening.

This is me in boots, "Oh, look there's a puddle of orange juice on the kitchen floor. Too bad I'm wearing boots."

There's really no explanation. I just can't clean in boots.

Fact #8: I have been using the same wallet since high school. The other day, the zipper tab fell off, and I started wondering if it's time for a new wallet. I've looked at a few, but I can't commit to a wallet. Too stressful! So the high school wallet remains. Why mess with a good thing?

High School Wallet 

Fact #9: If anyone needs an army of ceramic vikings, you can find them at the local Deseret Industries.

  Amazing Thrift Store Finds 

I rarely pop into the thrift store anymore (I can't take Zoe and Eva to the store, I just don't have the stamina), so it was a special treat to spend an hour there the other night with just Nicky. I bought some pants for Nicky, some nightgowns for Zoe (she is going through a phase where she will only wear nightgowns... even during the day), and some dance clothes for Daisy.

Fact #10: The other day, Scotty smashed his finger at work, and he came home and asked me to drill a hole in his fingernail. I told him NO! in all caps, and begged him to go to Instacare to have it punctured. He refused, so I gathered all of the children to hide in my bedroom while their father used his Craftsman to put a hole in his own finger. He splattered blood all over the kitchen. Ahhhhhhh!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I feel like the Viking army is a little out of place there. They would fit right in here in Minnesota. If only they were 3 feet tall and made of wood; I would put them in my garden.