Monday, May 1, 2023

Draft Week: Post #2 "Memories of Jobs Past"

Welcome to day two of Draft Week.

Today's draft was written back in March (not so long ago). I was watching Jeopardy when I remembered that my co-worker and friend from school, Travis, used to always be late to work because he refused to leave his house until after Final Jeopardy. I always really liked Travis... until I had to work late for him while he watched TV.  That got me thinking about some of my past jobs and some of the memories I have from them, and I started working on a blog post... and never finished. 


Actual footage of me as an employee

The snow cone stand

The guy who was supposed to take over at the end of my shift was always late for work because he refused to miss Final Jeopardy.

(That would be Travis, as you recently learned).

That summer, snow cone stands were getting robbed nearly everyday. It was all over the news. Luckily, ours didn’t get robbed while I worked there. 

The Donut Shop

Customers specifically requested that I NOT make their coffee drinks because I was horrible at it. They were like, “I want an iced cappuccino, but I don’t want her to make it.”

We were eligible for a prize if we beat the donut prepping record. I beat it, but my boss refused to give me the prize because he said there’s no way I could have prepped the donuts faster than the boys. This man also said I had huge ears and a huge nose (Do you hear fire engines before everyone else?) but he had the gall to ask me if I had an older sister he could date. 

The Boutique

We specialized in Capodimonte (caw-po-duh-montay). I probably will never meet another human on this earth who even knows what that is. Our merchandise sat on the floor for years and years! No one in West Valley City, Utah needs Capodimonte in their lives.

The Dairy

We had to charge ten cents for cups for ice cream, and there was a lady who always tried to get her cup for free by asking for it AFTER she paid. She’s in my ward now.

I always sang in the milk cooler because I sounded amazing in there! 

The Special Education School

One of our students loved Christopher Reeve, and everyday he would stop by my desk to tell me that Christopher Reeve had died, and everyday, I would act like I was hearing this news for the first time. 

We had a student in an electric wheelchair that I would always avoid in the halls because he frequently rammed into me. One time he pinned me against the wall, and I had to yell for help because he couldn't get his chair to reverse to set me free. Every time he tried, he would just press my legs tighter to the wall. 


Looking back on my jobs of the past, I realize I don't have a very prestigious resume. I did make a mighty fine soft serve ice cream cone back in the day, though. That might be my go-to if I return to the work force someday. 

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