Thursday, May 11, 2023

Currently {May 2023 Edition}


Wearing: my pajamas. I’m blogging from my bed. Scotty is sound asleep next to me. I live a whole life without him while he sleeps. I think he’s fallen asleep at least 18 times today. 

Annoyed by: always having to cough. 

Embarrassed by: my neck hump. I have a neck hump, and I really, really don’t like it. 

Sad about: Dooce

I haven’t followed her in years, but back when I started blogging, she was the blogger to watch. 


Cooking: pancakes. I have some Cool Whip and fruit that need to be used up.

Struggling with: exercising. I’ve lost my umph. I started going to the gym at the beginning of February, and I’ve been very consistent up until last week. I still went a few times last week, but it was so hard. I don’t want to be there. There are a thousand other things I want to do. After three months, I don’t feel stronger or healthier, so I just want to quit.

Dreaming of: an electronic sign up list where people can sign up to go on a walk with me, and twice a week (or whatever), I walk and talk with different people, and we laugh and heal and get exercise. This is my dream. Would I ever actually do this? Probably not. Why? 

A) I’m lazy
B) Fear of rejection
C) It’s a bit pompous to assume I would require a sign up sheet to grace people with my company
D) Mostly I’m lazy

Looking forward to: reading (er… listening to) the new Kate Morton book, Homecoming. But her books are so stinkin’ long, I feel like I really need to be ready for it and in the right state of mind. 

Just a nerdy tidbit… most of Kate Morton’s books are read by Caroline Lee. This one is narrated by Claire Foy (the first to play Queen Elizabeth in The Crown). 

Eating: pretzels. I snuck a few while packing lunches tonight. 

Listening to:

Wondering: if my donated hair has been sold and used to make hair extensions, and someone commits a crime while wearing them and leaves my DNA at the scene, could I be falsely charged? 

Wanting: to fall asleep, but my brain is going haywire. It’s not even the same night I started this post. I think I’m on about day three of trying to write this. 

Enjoying: the mild weather. I like it when it’s warm in the sun but cool in the shade so I always have somewhere to move to accommodate my temperature. 

Dreading: helping on a field trip with Zoe’s class. I am not a field trip mom, but my kids always beg me to sign up. I should be flattered that my kids want me there, right? Fine. I will go just this once.  

Procrastinating: unpacking from our Disneyland trip. 

Buying: plants for the garden. 

Grateful for: comedic relief.

1 comment: said...

I'd be the first on the sign up sheet so what does that make me:
A. Overeager
B. Unrealistic (I live a state away)
C. Annoying