Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Do Tell - Yeah, THAT!

I've hit one of those phases where every moment of every day day is completely overwhelming. You know when your three-year-old is in the bathtub making tidal waves; and your curling iron is in the bathroom sink smoking; and the baby is on your bed crying; and your couch has diarrhea on it; and you have no clean underwear; and you haven't showered for three days; and there is nothing healthy in the house to eat; and you feel like you're starving; and all you want is a nice, big, juicy hamburger and a hand-scooped ice cream shake; and there are six baskets of laundry stacked in the hallway that need to be folded and put away; and your husband isn't answering your texts, phone calls, or e-mails, and you're not sure if he made it to work alive; and you wish with all your heart that you could ask him to take a half-day of PTO, but you know he won't, so you don't ask because it's easier to never ask than to deal with the rejection; and you've told your six-year-old to put his shoes on at least a dozen times, but he's too busy pulling faces at himself in the mirror; and the three-year-old? The one in the bath tub? Finds a brand new bar of soap and lathers herself up, eyes included, and starts screaming her head off so you have to haul her wet, naked body out of the bathroom and try to rinse her eyes out even though you know how it goes with soap... you just have to wait for it to work itself out. And your dang cat is meowing because he's out of food; but you can't do anything about that because you can't even brush your teeth, let alone, go to a store; and just as things start calming down a bit, you step in something cold and wet?

Yeah, that.

So please tell me something that has made you happy lately. Anything funny? Uplifting? Encouraging?

Do tell!


Kandi said...

Yikes! I have a joke for you!
What does a nosy pepper do? Get jalapeno business!

heidikins said...

Went to lunch with my sis and her 4-year old daughter today. I said something about spreadsheets (work dramaz) and the 4-year old yells, nearly at the top of her lungs, "Nerd Alert! Nerd Alert!"

I died laughing. Then was resurrected from the hilarity of it all. And died laughing all over again.


Kayla Moncur said...

Ok, if you haven't read The Fart that (Almost) Changed my Destiny then you must do so. Hilarious.

This mom's photoshoot with her 13 year old adopted son is funny AND heartwearming.

And, lastly, this time lapse video of gorgeous landscapes. Proof there is a God and He is a master artist.

Hang in there! We all have days like that.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and hoping tomorrow is a better day!

Amy Sorensen said...

I promise it won't always feel like that! It will get better. Strike that. Not better. It will get different, and there will be less poop involved.

(Less poop = totally making me happy.)

But you never stop feeling like a big cheeseburger and a ginormous milkshake would make you feel better.

Something that made me happy is last night I got to meet one of my favorite authors. And she autographed my book. And instead of making me feel like writing is only for Those of the Higher Intellectual Spheres (as some writers do), she reminded me that only *I* can tell *my* stories.

That made me happy.

Also lots of Lindt truffle balls.

k said...

Oh those days. Those days make me run away from home...or at least run into bed by myself with no one touching me or talking to me.

Here's something funny for you:

As we were racing around the other morning to get ready for work and daycare, Ezra slapped me ON THE BUTT and told me to "get hustlin'" I tickled him and then he tooted on me. Four year olds. said...

I have been trying for two days to come up with something hilarious to tell you because I really wanted to make you smile in return for all the smiles that your blog has given me - but I got nothing. Sorry about that. But instead of funny here is some flattery:

5 reasons why I love Britt:
1. She takes amazing pictures, especially of her kids even amazing pictures of her kids mid-nosepick.
2. She can write. Not everyone can give that bump on your finger from writing that we no longer have because all we do is type the admiration it deserves, but you did! That is just one of many of your posts that are memorable to me.
3. She has good taste in shoes.
4. She can appreciate how awesome it is when you are dealt the Corn Scoop and the Master Brewer in the same hand.
5. She is a good mom - I know it is difficult but I can see through this blog how hard you are trying and I salute you. Three kids close together is no walk in the park - trust me, I am there in all it's glory and all it's poop. Keep on keeping on and someday in like 20 years I am told we will miss these days - I remind myself of that daily, hourly, minutely.