Wednesday, March 27, 2024

It’s Officially Spring (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: I have big news - I got a new laptop today. I’m not blogging from it, though. Instead I’m posting in bed from my phone, which is always a pain, and I don’t know why I do it. 

Oh wait, yes I do. It’s because I’m too lazy to turn on a laptop and sit up to use it.

Fact #2: I realized recently that I have recurring dreams about doing the dishes at my grandma’s house. I’m always loading her dishwasher or scrubbing dishes in her sink, and I’m stressed about the amount of dishes. I have no idea why I have these dreams. I don’t have any weird memories of doing dishes at my grandma’s house. My grandma was always in the kitchen, but that’s the closest tie I have to her sink and dishwasher. 

Sometimes you just need to slap some dino nuggies on bread and call it dinner

Fact #3: Tomorrow is my day off. I haven’t really figured out how to manage my time on days I don’t work. There is always so much I want to do and so much I need to do. Right now I’m really behind on things at home. I’ve been wearing Scotty’s socks for three weeks because I’m behind on laundry, and I don’t know where my clothes have gone. Scotty has been doing a lot of the laundry lately, so maybe he’s hiding stuff. 

Fact #4: Even though I’m behind on things at home, I’m really enjoying working. I started with 12 hours a week, and then I increased to 18 (ish). I really like my job, and I’m strangely sad on days I don’t get to go to work. But I need that time to get home and family stuff done. 

Fact #5: We are already wrapped up in all of the end of the school year things. We’ve had a lot of performances and events to attend this past week, and it’s pretty much our lifestyle from now until school gets out in June. 

Daisy is going through a Michael Jackson thing since seeing MJ the Musical last month

Fact #6: For the past couple of months, Daisy has stayed after school for play practice. Now that the play is done, and she’s coming home right after school, I feel like I’ve lost daycare services.

The poor theatre teacher probably feels like he was running a daycare. He hasn’t come to school since the play ended. I told Daisy today that he might not ever come back.

Fact #7: This week I’m feeling very lovey dovey toward my friends. I have moments where I realize how many wonderful people I have in my life and how I am not fully embracing the relationships I have. I look around and wonder “Why are they still here? Why do they stand by me even when they’ve seen some of the worst of me?” And well… I guess I just feel very blessed. 

Nicky’s potter piece in the school art show (hopefully you recognize it as Delicate Arch and not a wonky pair of pants)

Fact #8: This morning our water heater pooped out. Luckily Scotty was able to get it working again this afternoon. When I asked him what was wrong with it, he used words I don’t know, so I zoned out. All I know is that he cleaned a part, and that seems to have done the trick. Yay for hot water! It’s definitely a luxury we take for granted until it’s not there. Then we realize how frail we truly are. 

Fact #9: The other day I had to fill out some paperwork for a school event for Nicky, and after I turned it in, it dawned on me that I dated everything 2025. I think I might have been doing this all year. I think I’ve been living a year ahead. Now I’m trying to get back into 2024, and I swear we already did this year.

Fact #10: I didn’t have any relevant photos to include in this post, so I decided to throw in whatever I could find. I hope you enjoyed the journey!

My brother’s dog

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