Monday, May 16, 2022

I am drinking the perfect blend of Vanilla Coke from Maverik right now (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: The other day, I decided I was going to drink a Cherry Coke and a Cherry Pepsi side by side so I could determine which one is best.

My conclusion: I like them both equally. 

It's just good to know these things. 

Fact #2: I used to use the same starting word for Wordle every day,  but I have recently changed and started using different words each day. I'm going to be very upset when one of my former three starting words is the word. I had to change it up, though, so I can send my Wordle results to people and not have them knowing what my starting word was (thereby preventing spoilers in case they haven't done Wordle yet).

Fact #3: I don't send my Wordle results to people a whole lot. Just sometimes - like when I get the word by the skin of my teeth, or when my first word is super amazing, or when there's a good conversation to be had about what unfolded during my Wordle process. 

"People" are mostly Amber. But sometimes Julie. 

But if I ever get the word on the first guess again, I will be sharing with everyone. So just know that. 

Fact #4: A week ago, I was telling some friends about how we still have one of our original chickens, and she's ten years old. I kid you not, she was dead the next morning. 

Fact #5: Every night I read before I go to sleep. Lately, I've been having this new thing happen where I still have my eyes open, and I'm actively reading, but I start dreaming, and I get confused about the plot. I'm reading the words, but my subconscious is creating a story different from what I'm reading. 

I think I'm sleep reading! I even continue scrolling on my phone as I'm "reading," and then when I "wake up," I realize I've "read" a few paragraphs and dreamed up something different from what's on the page. The internet doesn't believe this is possible, but I swear it's happening to me! I swear I am falling asleep with my eyes open and somehow still holding up my phone and reading and scrolling. 

Fact #6: The other morning, I woke up and had 13 text messages. In the night, someone had sent me ten x-ray photos of a woman's elbow with her name and other information. It was from an Oklahoma number and seemed to be intended for a doctor to review. Several hours had passed since the messages came through, so I hoped the person had figured out they had the wrong number, but I texted them "You have the wrong number" to be thorough. 

This morning I was clearing out my voicemail, and I found a recording from a doctor with a thick southern accent asking me if I’d had a chance to review the x-rays. It was from about twenty minutes after the x-rays had been sent to me.  I’m not sure why the voicemail greeting that says, “Hey, this is Britt!” wasn’t a red flag to him. 

I found the whole thing quite amusing, but I hope the "wrong number" didn't leave this poor woman to suffer longer than necessary (not that I can interpret what was wrong with her elbow... it's all dem bones to me!).

Fact #7: Last night I had a dream that I was cast as “Elf #4" in Elf the Musical. I don't know anything about Elf the Musical, so my subconscious fascinates me! Where does it come up with this stuff?

Fact #8: I really love freshly sharpened pencils. My household is overdue for a good pencil sharpening session. I have an unopened box of Ticonderogas at the ready. 

Fact #9: I think I'm going through a mid-life crisis. It might seem a little early, but the average lifespan of an American female was reported to be 78.79 years in 2019, so I'm definitely "mid-life," even though middle-aged is considered to be more in the range of 55-65 years. 

I took a lifespan development course in college, and I remember learning that mid-life crises really aren't a thing, but I'm going through something, and I might as well call it a mid-life crisis because then I can get a sports car or a boob job out of it.

Fact #10: But I don't want a sports car or a boob job. I'll settle for a mini van with lower mileage than my current one and a chin lift. Because I think if I were to have any type of plastic surgery, it would be something to fix my double chin. But don't consider that a firm commitment. I'm not far enough into my midlife crisis to make that decision yet.

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