Sunday, October 3, 2021

It's Autumntime! It's Autumntime!* (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: I’m currently laying in my bed with the sound of a rooster repeatedly crowing in the background. I’m stressed about the rooster because I feel like it’s my job to make it be quiet, and yet… I don’t have a rooster! 

Fact #2: Last night I had stressful dreams. First, I dreamt that I yelled at my sister-in-law. I told her off big time - doing all sorts of irreparable damage. Then I was at church, and someone sang a Broadway song in sacrament meeting, and I was like, "No, no, no! We can't sing Broadway in sacrament meeting!" and after she finished the song, her husband went up on the stand and kissed her passionately in front of the whole ward. Then someone got up to speak and started passing around visual aids while the Broadway singer rode around the chapel on a vacuum.

I couldn't deal. 

Fact #3: Scotty is starting a new job next week. This change came quickly and out of the blue. He came home from work one day and told me that he felt very strongly that he needed to pursue a certain job opening. A few days later, he was giving his two week's notice. Wednesday is his last day at the Church Office Building. 

Fact #4: It's kind of sad to think that any temples announced in General Conference will no longer be a preview into the next few years of Scotty's work life. People always ask if he knows about temples before they are announced in Conference. The answer to that is, "Very rarely." His temple assignments have changed frequently over the years, but currently (for the next few days, at least), he works with temples in Central and South America. 

Fact #5: Last week, we were *this close* to booking a trip to Disneyland for next year. We ran the figures, counted our sky miles and Marriott points, chose some dates... and decided to talk more in depth about it over Thai food on a date Thursday night. Then Wednesday night, we discovered that our van was leaking oil. 

Ain't it funny how that happens?

Fact #6: For our date night, we ended up played Wingspan on our phones instead of talking Disney to each other. That conversation is on hold until our van is fixed. We got our van into the shop to have it looked at on Friday. We'll be taking it back next week for the repairs. 

Fact #7: Earlier this year we had some problems with the van and we had to decide if we wanted to fix it or buy a new (used) one. We shopped around a bit and found that the inventory for what we wanted was horrible. What did we want? A van just like the one we already have! I love my van! It has everything I want. The only thing I'd look for in a different van is fewer miles. 

When it came down to it, I really didn't want a different van. I just wanted my van. So we decided to fix it. 

I still just want my van! So I hope all goes well with this repair so the Brittish Mobile can ride again!

Fact #8: In other "large expenditures" news, every major appliance in my kitchen is on the brink of failure. Our dish washer doesn't wash. Our oven and stove don't properly regulate their temperatures (I had a baking fail the other day, and checked the temp of my oven and it was 50 degrees below the temp it was supposed to be), and our fridge is slowly falling apart but still keeping things cold for now. 

Fact #9: I've cooked bacon three times this weekend. I feel like that's a lot of bacon. First we had turkey bacon and cinnamon rolls for breakfast yesterday. Then I tried this recipe for dinner last night on a whim. It was delicious. Probably because bacon (real bacon, not turkey bacon). Then this morning, I made bacon again because I'm making baked beans for lunch (we're getting together with family to watch General Conference, so of course that includes breakfast and lunch)! 

I promise I don't usually consume bacon at this level. But my house will smell like bacon for a week. 

Fact #10: It's very exciting to see the Tabernacle Choir back in action this weekend at General Conference. It's wild to think they've had to sit out for three General Conferences. The time we've spent in a pandemic is continuing to pile up, and it's strange to think about how much has passed. 

*I've been working on learning this song for primary this month. I've never sang it before. It's really hard to type and/or write the word "autumntime." It never looks right. 

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