Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Things the Kids Say: Episode 9

"How come people use hair dryers instead of leaf blowers to do their hair?"



Me: I wish you had a hobby.

Nicky: I do! Yelling and dancing!


Scotty: Alexa, Play "TNT."

Zoe: Oh yay! A Minecraft song!


Scotty: Alexa, play a Simon & Garfunkel playlist.

Nicky: Is this one of those 90's pop bands?

Us: No!

Simon & Garfunkel: Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson...

Nicky: Why are they singing about my English teacher?


"Mom, I'm an owl and I'm very evil."



"Mom, something is wrong with our last name. There's an 'E' at the end, so so the 'G' should actually make the 'J' sound."



Nicky: Is the coronavirus an STD?

Us: No, why?

Nicky: You said it spreads through breeding.

Us: Breathing, son.


"My butt needs fresh air."

-Zoe on a drive


Me to Scotty: I'm starting to think the reason Nicky is so crotchety is because he learns it from you!

Nicky: Is 'crotchety' a puberty thing?


"Whoa! These clouds sure look soggy?"

-Eva on a cloudy day


"My breath smells like a baby's diaper!"


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