Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I haven't had soda in 127 days (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: Here's a little project from last week:

I refinished this cupboard for my mother-in-law for her birthday. 

Fact #2: Putting the WILD backdrop out in my driveway last week was a success. Several people stopped by to take photos, and it was nice to have it used. On Friday afternoon, a wind storm came through and took it down. The wood sign blew into the backdrop and tore holes in it. I probably could have repaired it, but it was too windy to put it back out.



Fact #3: My brother-in-law was on his way to our house when the backdrop blew over, so we took his photos with the rubble in our garage. 

Straight outta Pinterest!

Fact #4: Last week I put on make-up for book club (we met in-person, socially distant in my backyard). I've pretty much forgotten how to do hair and make-up. I mean, I wasn't good at it to begin with, but now it's really bad. 

Fact #5: Right before COVID, I bought a box of shatter-proof glasses from Sam's Club. I break glasses ALL THE TIME. I either drop them or drop things on them while they are in the sink. I'm always throwing out broken glass. With my new purchase, I got rid of most of our glass, but I kept six little glass cups that I love. 

The other day, I bumped one of the little glasses while I was putting dishes away, and it shattered everywhere. It was the messiest break I've ever caused (and I've caused a lot of glass breaks). It exploded into tiny shards that shot everywhere. The pieces were so itty bitty that they embedded in my counter, and I had a really hard time cleaning them up. They were also under all of my appliances, and several shards went into my flip flop, cutting up my foot. 

The next day, I grabbed a paper towel, and felt something sharp. I looked down and discovered that glass shards were embedded all over in the paper towels, and one had gone into my hand. 

Fact #6: Several weeks ago, I pulled out some old ice trays and froze a bunch of my kids tiny toys (shopkins, lego minifigures, marbles, hatchimals, etc) in water and made them experiment to find the best way to thaw them. My kids were very intrigued by the ice cube trays, as they have never seen such a thing! Instead of thinking of them as an old, out-dated way to make ice, my kids thought they were an awesome new thing! Daisy has since taken up the art of making "home-made ice" (as she calls it). It cracks me up!

Fact #7: Over the weekend, Nicky got out Scotty's and my old video cameras (we each had one while Scotty was on his mission, and we would send each other videos in the mail). There was so much to explain, like how you have to have a tape to record a video. Also the concepts of rewinding and fast-forwarding. We had VHS tapes when Nicky and Daisy were little, but they don't remember them very well, so they were blown away by how long it takes to rewind a tape. 

Fact #8: We found a tape with footage from when Nicky was a toddler. I was worried it would be sad to see Little Nicky, but the video reminded me of how hard Nicky was as a toddler. I've often wondered if I was just young and stupid and have a tainted memory of what it was like to parent a young Nicky, but no! I saw it on video, and I remembered, and it was LEGIT! At age three, he was really tough. 

Fact #9: Speaking of Nicky, he's now officially taller than me! I am 5'7". We just checked a couple of weeks ago, and he was the same height as me (and had been since Christmas). Sometime in the past month, he had the growth spurt he'd been waiting for! 

Fact #10: Now that school is over and Memorial Day weekend is complete, it really is summer break.

Whatever that means. 

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I’m so glad you found a way to use your backdrop. I was sad to hear you couldn’t take it to the school.