Friday, November 10, 2017

We are out of milk {and thirteen other random facts}

Fact #1: The morning sky has been amazing lately. I have a ton of snapshots on my phone where I have been at a stoplight while taking kids to school and wanted to capture the sun rays shining through holes in the clouds. The photos never turn out, but I try anyway - just in case.


Fact #2: In addition to the morning sky, I am in love with a scene I drive past each day on the way to my kids' school. There are some canals by the school, and there's a spot where I drive around a bend, and as soon as I pass a particular tree, I can see the canal with the mountains in the background. Sometimes the lighting in that spot is spectacular, and with the fall leaves, it's rather splendid. I always look forward to that moment where I can see the water and take note of what is reflected in it. Each day is different depending on the sky. I always imagine taking a photo, but I never do because I'm driving.

Fact #3: I have always been intrigued by flasks. Sometimes I see them at the store, and I want one. I don't drink alcohol, but I'm sure I could find something awesome to put in a flask. The other day, this one caught my eye at Kohl's. The quality is probably poor, but it sure is cute! I assume there's a trial and error phase that must be endured before one finds the right flask.


Fact #4: I may not drink alcohol, but I do wear socks, so I had every reason to buy these men's hamburger socks from Target the other day.


I've not yet eaten a hamburger while wearing my hamburger socks, but #lifegoals.

Fact #5: Last week was my speaking gig in Logan, UT. It went very well, and I met some great people. I even went up to a lady and told her that we needed to be Facebook friends and that I want to go to lunch with her in five years because I know I will need her in my life at that time (any interaction that happens before then is a bonus). Luckily she was okay with this and even did the work of "friending" me.

Fact #6: I tried to get a selfie of me on the Utah State campus to send to my friend, Shannon, but it went like this:

Selfie fail 

A few photos have turned up of me presenting. It's always exciting to see a photo of yourself in mid-sentence with arms flailing (which is what I do when I present - talk and flail).


(Got my dress at DI for $6. It makes me look pregnant, but pretty much everything makes me look pregnant right now).

(NOT pregnant, by the way. Let's just be clear about that).

Fact #7: Next month I will be speaking to a youth group. That will be new for me! I haven't spoken to the youngins before. I'm excited to give it a try.

Fact #8: The day before my presentation, Eva clawed my face during one of her tantrums (this is her new thing - BEWARE THE CLAWS) so I've had a scabby face for the past week.


It's cool. They just blend in with my zits. Whatever.

Fact #9: This picture summarizes my daily outings with Eva.

My Life 

Fact #10: Zoe turned five last week. She never skips the opportunity to tell someone that she's five. She has been so excited to turn five because her friend Kayson turned five in September, and it wasn't fair that Kayson got to be five, and she didn't.


Fact #11: I made cupcakes for her birthday party, and I let her decorate them with teddy Grahams and Circus Animal cookies. She was pretty thrilled about that (a big relief to me because she wanted something Dora-ish on her cupcakes, but I was only willing to go to ONE store, and that store didn't have anything Dora-ish that I could put on top of a cupcake).

Fact #12: Speaking of cupcakes, I also made some BYU cupcakes for a boy in my Sunday school class for his birthday. I have to give a shout out to my amazing friend, Lynsie, who will whip up anything I need in the graphics department. I'm always asking her for Christmas cards and birthday invitations, and the like, and she always delivers. So, of course, she was able to whip up some BYU cupcake toppers for me.


Fact #13: I never told you about the spilled paint! Boy, that was a bad night.


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