People are talking a lot about my belly these days (especially the kids at church who have suddenly become fascinated by it). Everyone is asking if I think I'm bigger or smaller than my other pregnancies. Scotty and my friend, Michelle, both think I'm smaller this time around. I think I've been about the same with all of my pregnancies, other than Nicky's since I weighed about 15 pounds less back then. I think the only real difference in my belly size is what I wear and what I eat. Some clothes more flattering than others. Bright patterns and colors obviously make things look a little bigger. And when I've eaten a meal, everything is a bit larger.
For my own enjoyment, I went through my photos and found some of the final pictures from each pregnancy to compare belly size.

Facts about my delivery with Nicky:
1. I was induced at 41 weeks
2. I was Group B Strep +
3. Nicky's heart rate was low during labor (cause unknown)
4. He was delivered via vacuum extraction (I don't recommend this)
5. We knew we were having a boy
6. My labor was 24 hours
7. He was born at 7:58 p.m. weighing 8 lbs 9 oz
39 Weeks: Daisy 2009

Facts about my delivery with Daisy:
1. I was induced at 40 weeks
2. Daisy had a low heart rate during labor (turned out to be umbilical cord compression)
3. I hated the resident who broke my water
4. I had a nasty nurse who, fortunately, was later relieved by a nice nurse
5. We didn't know what we were having
6. My labor was 8 hours
7. She was born at 11:58 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 3 oz
40 Weeks: Zoe 2012

Facts about my delivery with Zoe:
1. I was induced at 40 weeks
2. Zoe was breech (the doctor was able to turn her)
3. I was Group B Strep +
4. We didn't know what we were having
5. My labor was 7 hours
6. She was born at 8:52 p.m. weighing 8 lbs 9 oz
38 Weeks: Baby Girl 2015

Facts about this delivery:
1. It's a girl!
2. I am Group B Strep +
3. ?????????
Facts overall:
1. I usually gain about 25 lbs each pregnancy (I'm right on track with that this time)
2. I have been Group B Strep positive three out of four times (I'm bummed about this because that means no early discharge, and they slow my labors so I get antibiotics for at least 2 hours)
3. All of my babies have been born at night (which makes for a long first night in the hospital and poor lighting for pictures)
4. I've been induced every time (and will probably be induced again this time)
5. I always have babies in years divisible by three
Are you tired of all these pregnancy posts? I'm sorry. Like I said, it's the only thing I can talk about right now. I promise you two non-pregnancy posts before I discuss pregnancy again (which means I better not have this baby for at least another week to give me time to follow through).
I was Group B Strep positive with both my boys. With my oldest they managed to administer the antibiotics just under the wire and finish them but only because he was face up and pushing took long. Labor was nine hours total. With my second there was no way. I got to the hospital dilated to 5, and within an hour and a half was at a 9, so I ended up having to stay an extra day so they could monitor him. Group B Strep is lame.
Belly size all looks very similar to me and I think you look great!
I gained 100 lbs with my pregnancy and I still have every last bit of it. I'm hanging onto it for sentimental reasons. #thatsnottrue
Your labors have patterns.
I knew Zoe was a girl. #noonebelievedme
I think it's way cool you remember all these details about each one. I have exactly one picture from when I was pregnant (we're not counting my entire wedding album mmmkay?) and I've always wondered how parents of multiple kids remember all the individual details. I'm not sure I could so I think it's cool.
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