Friday, August 9, 2013

Who Knew?

I started shaving my legs when I was in second grade. Now that I'm an adult, I look at the seven year old girls I know and wonder what on earth I was doing with a razor at that age. It's not my parents' fault - they didn't give me permission to shave my legs - I just started doing it, and over time they figured out what was going on but never really fought me over it since I had managed not to slice myself to bits. Part of the reason I started so young was because I had four older step-sisters, so I just did what they did. This is all to say that no one really taught me how to shave my legs - I just did it.

Last night I was reading a list of things that mothers should teach their daughters (there are many of these lists, and I can't seem to find the exact one to link to). One of the things on the list was to keep your legs straight while you shave your knees.

I was shocked by this because no one has ever suggested to me that keeping my legs straight while shaving my knees would be a good idea. In fact, I always assumed that the razor would chop up all of my baggy knee skin if my leg were straight.

So today, for the first time ever, I shaved with straight legs, and wow! My life is changed! It was so much easier!

So now I'm wondering if this is common knowledge? Do they tell you this in the maturation program (that I never attended)? Am I less of a woman for never knowing?

Here's to straight knees!



Amy said...

I always bent my knees! I also assumed that I would somehow have an easier time? Or that I would be more likely to end up cut if I straightened my leg? I will have to experiment as well.

Kayla Moncur said...

What!! Now I have to try this. I've been a bent-knee shaver for 16 years! Has it all been a lie??

Cheyenne and Seth and Co. said...

I have never heard of such a thing, and almost cringe with the thought of also cutting up my baggy knees. I think I'm going to try this (though I'm a little bit scared to.)