Wednesday, January 17, 2024

20 Questions

1. If you could have a theme song play any time you entered a room, what would it be?

The Jock Jams Megamix occasionally supplemented with Soul Bossa Nova (I’m going to need some variety). 

2. What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in public without realizing it?

Don't you have to realize you're doing something embarrassing in order to feel embarrassed?

Probably one of the most embarrassing things I've experienced is having underwear fall out of my pant leg at school. It has happened to me twice. You can read about both incidents here

3. What's the weirdest combination of foods you've eaten and enjoyed?

I haven't eaten a lot of weird combinations, so I don't know if this really fits the bill, but first and foremost I'm a fan of dipping Wendy's fries in my frosty. Another interesting combo I've enjoyed is the "PBB & JJ" at the Steamie Weenie in Henderson, Nevada. It's a bacon-wrapped hot dog with peanut butter and pepper jelly. If you can get past the fact that the peanut butter looks like baby diarrhea, it's actually really good!

Also, I don't mind peanut butter on hamburgers. I don't order it (there are other burgers I prefer), but I think it tastes okay. I can see why people like it. 

4. What's the funniest childhood story your family tells about you?

I don't think my family tells stories about me. Do they? I guess I’ll find out at my funeral.

5. What's the most hilarious prank you've ever pulled off?

One time my friend Lynsie and I borrowed a truck and went to the Christmas tree drop-off location for our city and filled it up with Christmas trees then put them on our friend, Mark's, lawn. We laughed hysterically the entire time. We also lost a tree on the highway, which we thought was hilarious, but in hindsight, was actually very dangerous. It just sort of bounced out while we were driving. 

6. What's the most unusual talent you have that not many people know about?

Pinning boutonnières. 

7. If you could be any animal for a day, which one would you choose?

A gorilla. 

8. What's the quirkiest habit you have that you've managed to hide until now?

I like to stretch my nostrils both through flaring my nostrils and through pushing my nose up into pig position. It’s yoga for the nose. Sometimes you just gotta get a good stretch!

9. If you had to survive a zombie apocalypse, what three items would you take with you?

I’ve made the decision to surrender in a zombie apocalypse. Why fight it? I know the “Thriller” choreography. I’m ready to join the zombies.

10. What's the most ridiculous fashion trend you've ever followed?

I’ve never really been trendy, so I can’t really think of any trends I’ve followed that were “ridiculous.” Everything I’ve done has suited the era and been on the more conservative side of fashion. And yeah, there are some dated trends I’ve participated in, but nothing I would consider ridiculous. 

That’s a boring answer, isn’t it?

11. What's a funny scene from a movie or TV show that always makes you laugh?

Anything that involves Jack Black dancing

12. What's a cheesy pickup line you've heard or used that actually worked?

None. I didn’t play the field enough to exercise pickup lines. 

13. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had that you can remember?

All of my dreams are weird. I can’t crown the Weirdest! My brain goes a million miles an hour all night long, and I have several dreams per night. In fact, I started keeping a dream journal where I write a single sentence about my dreams (when I remember to) just because they’re so bizarre.  These are some my recent entries:

1. We went to visit our friend in Florida, and he sat on the couch smoking a bong and singing “A Child’s Prayer.”

2. I microwaved a kitchen chair because I wanted to soften the wood.

3. I was in a horse field, and the horses had bunk beds, and I was confused as to how the horses could get on the bunk beds. 

14. What's the most hilarious text message you've sent to the wrong person?

One time I intended to send a text complaining about my husband to my sister-in-law, but I sent it to Scotty instead. I can’t remember what I was complaining about, though.

Another time I invited the wrong family over for a BBQ. Luckily they couldn’t come.

15. What's the weirdest thing you've ever collected or wanted to collect?

Ten years ago when I was pretending to be a runner, I lost quite a few toenails. Part of me wanted to proudly string them from a necklace. I would never do that, but I can’t say I didn’t think about it. 

16. What's your most embarrassing dance move?

I can’t twerk. My kids make fun of me any time I try. Nicky went through a phase where he twerked all the time, so I made a rule that you can’t do any dance moves that you don’t want to see your mom do. So his punishment for twerking was that I would twerk. If you’re going to twerk in the middle of the aerospace museum, guess what! I am too! Use good judgment, my little ones!

I guess I do it wrong, so my kids just laugh at me. But all the more to embarrass them with!

17. What's your go-to karaoke song even if you're not a good singer?

This is the question of my life! I don’t have an answer, but it’s something I’ve thought about for my entire existence! What is my song? I hope I figure it out before I die.

18. What's a joke that's so bad it's actually good?

Why can’t Brigham Young clap?

Because he is dead.

That’s what I told all my trek kids. They didn’t think I was funny, but they were wrong.

19. If you could swap places with your pet for a day, would you?

That would mean I’d have to be a chicken, and I’d like to think I’m open minded enough to be a chicken for a day. If nothing else, it would at least give me something exciting to blog about. 

20. What's the funniest autocorrect fail you've experienced?

My autocorrect is pretty boring, but there have been a few accidental sh*ts here and there which are not to be confused with my intentional ones.

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