Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Things the Kids Say: Episode 27

“I went to adult Sunday school once, and it was awful! They made us do math, and they didn’t even give us lunch!”



“I love seconds!”

-Eva, as she snuck an extra piece of bread from the sacrament tray 


“Some day Nicky and Molly will be more than friends! They will be best friends!”



“Mom, can I have one of those naked peaches?”

-Eva, asking for a nectarine


While watching How to Train Your Dragon 2:

Zoe: Why are her boobs so pointy? (talking about Hiccup’s mom)

Eva: I know, right? They’re like egg tops!


Me: I will not keep track of your shoes!

Zoe: So you’re basically useless? Wow, Mom!


Eva: Mom, can I get a pet fish?

Me: Nope. We’re not getting any more pets, or we’ll never be able to go on vacation!

Eva: We can just kill it before we leave!


Zoe: Mom, you just wouldn’t understand what friendship is like for ten-year-olds these days.

Me: What makes you think that?

Zoe: Well, you were my age 29 years ago, and things are different now.

Me: What’s different?

Zoe: Well, we’re just a lot funnier nowadays. Like with all our funny t-shirts and stuff.

Me: Well then you wouldn’t understand what friendship was like when I was your age!

Zoe: Oh yes, I understand! All you did was sit around on benches saying, “Yo, what’s up?” except those words hadn’t been invented yet. 

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