Sunday, September 3, 2023

Happy (Almost) Fall, Y'all!

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #3:


I've been really excited for fall, and therefore, really excited for September. 

September can be all over the place weather-wise. The year Daisy was born (September 2009) we had unusually high temps, and I birthed her during a heat wave. But I also remember one Labor Day weekend, we stayed at Scotty's family cabin just outside of Kamas (don't think luxury here... it was literally a shack in the woods), and it snowed.

What I like about September is that there's usually a point in the day when the air feels crisp. Even if the high is 99 (like it was a few days ago, albeit, that was technically still August), you might still catch a moment of 60 in the early morning, which is much better than a high of 99 and a low of 91. 

September also cues the go-ahead for fall decorations. In my unofficial rulebook, fall decorating can happen as soon as it's September (Halloween must wait until October, then it's back to fall decor until the day after Thanksgiving when it's acceptable to bring out the Christmas totes, but give or take a day depending on when the kids are home for Thanksgiving break because I need to do it all without my little interior designers tryna boss my aesthetic).

(Side note: whenever I'm a control freak about something, I try to throw my kids a bone and give them an opportunity to channel their creativity somewhere else. They don't get to touch my Christmas trees, (although I made an exception last year) but they each have their own little tree for their bedroom that they get to decorate).

On the eve of September 1st, I went out to the garden with the clippers and hacked down the cornstalks in prep for fall decorating. On Friday morning, I woke up at 4:45 a.m. and laid in bed waiting for a hint of daylight so I could go outside and decorate. I ended up going to McDonald's for my egg McMuffin and then hitting Smith's for a gallon of milk in the early hours of the morning. Then I came home and got out all the fall decorations, and my house looked like this by 8:00 a.m.

Did I tell you I'm excited for fall? 

1 comment: said...

Your decorations are cute. Your plate racks are the best!