Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Currently {November 2022 Edition}


Wearing: jeans that I have only worn a couple of times, and the button popped off! I sewed a new button on, and it popped off, too, so I'm just hanging out with my pants falling down, which is fine when blogging, but not great when helping with vision screening at the high school. 

Annoyed by: people running red lights. It's out of control.

Struggling with: sleeping. I have been waking up between 3:00-5:00 a.m. every day for about two months, and I can't shut back down. I finally drift off right around 6:00, and then I get woken up by someone in my family within minutes. A lot of times, I'll lay in bed for an hour, trying to go back to sleep, and then I give up and read for a while. 

Sad about: my laptop dying. It's been on its last leg for years, and the other day, the charging port fell out. It just... gave up. Scotty is going to try and fix it. Hopefully he can get it up and running just long enough for me to get a few files saved. 

Excited for: Halloween to be over! I think November 1st is my favorite day of the year because by the time the actual day of Halloween arrives, I'm so sick of Halloween, I can't wait for it to be gone! 

Listening to: 

Frustrated by: chicken. It's such a fussy meat to prepare. It's so easy to end up dry, rubbery, or undercooked. 

Thinking about: getting a seasonal job, but then I realize how busy my November and December are, and I can't. 

Celebrating: Zoe's birthday! She turns TEN tomorrow!

Trying: to go off soda... again. Don't judge me! Just love me through it. NO SODA NOVEMBER. It's happening (and it's stupid).

Watching: nothing consistently. I've been opting to read instead.

Playing: nothing! We haven't had Game Night since August! 

Buying: not acrylic paint. Because that's the latest thing out of stock at Walmart!

Singing: "Numb Little Bug" by Em Beihold

Feeling: a bit stressed, but it's fine. November is really insane, but if I make a list and pace myself, I will be okay. I just need to map it out. And no one is allowed to get sick!

Wanting: a new Christmas tree with fresh decor. But don't worry, husband, I'm not going to pursue that this year. 

Cooking: Cheeseburger Soup (but I made it on the stove instead of in the crock pot).

Needing: new pants that can keep a button.

Eating: my kids' Halloween candy. "Mom tax."


Missing: ratted bangs. They have to come back sometime, right? I'm ready!

Procrastinating: a lot of household chores - like washing my bedding and putting a bunch of laundry away. Also, getting the last of the tomato plants out of the garden before it snows. I should be doing that right now because the weather is supposed to turn tomorrow. 

Grateful for: shoes that fit. 

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