Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Currently {June 2022 Edition}


(I technically haven't started this book yet, but it's next in queue). 

Wearing: black pants and a t-shirt that says "Happy Camper."

Annoyed by: stores that post their business hours so small on their door that you have to get out of your car to read them. I am a firm believer that all business hours should be visible from the car via drive-by. 

Struggling with: loving people.

(I think this is becoming a regular answer here. Oh dear!)

Excited for: garden harvests. So far the only thing we can harvest is cilantro, but we should have peas and strawberries ready here soon. 

Listening to: 

...and my neighbor singing while he mows his lawn. He has his air pods in, and he always sings while he mows his lawn. It cracks me up. I can hear him inside my house, and I bet he has no idea!

Thinking about: what I'm going to do with my kids this summer. Any time I have an idea for something to do, I put it on a list on my phone. Now I just need abundant energy to make it all happen!


I got this floor puzzle from the thrift store today, so I did a test run to make sure all the pieces were there. 


Now my kids can build it once, and we can pass it on to someone else. 

Trying: to improve my energy levels so I don't have to nap every day. 


(I don't recommend any of these shows to my fellow Saints). 

Playing: Wingspan on my phone - which now has the European expansion. 

Buying: weird things from the thrift store to use as trellises in my garden and swimming suits from Amazon that I'll probably just end up returning. Also, a new (to us) lawnmower. Ours died last week. 

Singing: "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode which is the #1 alternative song as per X96's top 500 countdown over Memorial Day weekend. I'm pretty indifferent toward alternative, but Scotty and Nicky are enthusiasts, therefore it is in my life. 

Feeling: neither fantastic nor horrible.

Wanting: a deck box. 

Worried about: my kids and electronics during the summer. I don't have the stamina to enforce technology rules. Please don't make me do it!

Loving: Top Gun: Maverick (follow-up post to come).

Cooking: Baked Berry Oatmeal. I've got it ready to go in the oven at 4:00 so everyone can eat before our Wednesday night chaos begins at 5:30. 

Hoping: to keep on top of my depression this summer. Summer is my worst season for depression. My doctor has me taking some supplements in addition to my anti-depressants to try and curb it. Fingers crossed it does the trick because I don't want to increase my dosage.


Mine is the smaller of the two. 

Missing: when my baby chicks were newborns and would fall asleep all the time. I've only had them two weeks, and they're very clearly teenagers now. They don't want to snuggle anymore, and I have to chase them all over the backyard to round them up after their daily play time. They are still a joy, but you just can't beat the newborn phase! It's the best!

Scared of: my children being adults. I don't know how I can ever prepare them for it. How do I teach them the skills they need to be self-reliant and independent? And ensure that they will be good humans? How do I help them get a quality education that can lead to a quality job? How will they ever afford to live away from home? How can I hand them over to a spouse or partner who might be abusive or manipulative or just a royal pain in the arse? How do I send them out into the world someday to navigate its horrors and their own anxiety?

In all honesty, I don't want my kids to get married or have children. My current mentality is, "Family is everything! But let's not expand in any form, mmmkay?"

Looking forward to: vacation and a few performances we get to go to in the next couple of months. 

Dreading: reporting for jury summons this month. 

Sick of: loud cars, people running red lights, and paper straws. 

Craving: a Coke at Disneyland. 

Grateful for: my yard. My little piece of earth.

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