Friday, January 7, 2022


Today I'm in a writing mood, but I'm not really in a "thinking" mood. For such occasions, I have a pinterest board with writing prompts and questionnaires. Therefore, this is what I'm putting out in the world today. 

What is your most used word?

There are a few contenders. I say "anyway..." a lot. I also overuse "so" and "like."

So, like, anyway...

How long does it take for you to get ready?

If I do a "full" grooming cycle - meaning I shower, blow dry and style my hair, put on make-up and the whole bit, about an hour. But on an average day where I skip almost all of those steps, I can be ready in 15 minutes.

Do you have much of an ego?

Are you asking if I am full of myself? Sometimes. Probably. Yeah. 

Do you suck or bite lollipops?

I don't really eat lollipops other than sneaking a few Tootsie Pops at Halloween. In that case, I suck on them for a while and then bite em. More than three licks, for sure. 

Do you talk to yourself?


Do you sing to yourself?

Heck, yes. In fact, I just wrote a song this morning on my way home from Smith's. It's called, "The World Is Crazy." I thought I'd come up with an amazing tune, and I was like, "I think I might be Taylor Swift. Why did I not pursue a career in song writing?" But then I realized I was just using the melody from "Fight Song," so I retired my dreams and went home to put my milk away.

Are you a good singer?

I think I'm tolerable. I won't make your ears bleed. Nor will I amaze you. I rely mostly on stage theatrics and special effects.

What is your biggest fear?

I don't know if I can name the biggest fear - I mean, there are so many good ones to choose from - but one thing I fear is that I or a member of my family will have an injury or illness that severely alters our personality. Like Phineas Gage (see "being me and being them"). 

Are you a gossip?


What's the best dramatic movie you've ever seen?

I love The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, and The Count of Monte Cristo. Notice a theme?

(It's prison. The theme is prison).

Do you like long or short hair?

On myself? Long. 

Can you name all 50 states?

Nope. I never memorized the song.

(Okay, I tried, and I only got 42 - I forgot Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, & Vermont. I only gave myself two minutes. I might have gotten them all in ten).

What is your favorite school subject?


Are you an introvert or extrovert?


Have you ever been scuba diving?

Heck to the no! And I won't. Ever.

What makes you nervous?

Scuba diving. 

Enclosed spaces. Large crowds. Feeling out of control.

Snow-packed, icy roads.

Sea creatures. 

Are you scared of the dark?

Not really, but I'm not immune to the mind tricks that come with darkness. 

Do you correct people when they make mistakes?

Sometimes. It just depends on the situation and the person.

Are you ticklish?

I guess.

Have you ever started a rumor?

I don't start them. I just spread them! But there was this one time I accidentally told someone that my bishop was having hemorrhoid surgery when I meant to say hernia surgery. In that case, yes, I started a rumor. 

Have you ever been in a position of authority?


Have you ever drank underage?

No. I've never drank. 

Have you ever done drugs?

Sometimes when I go to the dentist I breathe the laughing gas extra deeply.

Who was your first crush?

Marty McFly. 

How many piercings do you have?

Just the ears.

Can you roll your R's?


How fast can you type?

I have no idea! I used to go to workforce services and do the type tests so I could apply for jobs, but I don't remember what my WPM was. It's probably the same now. I don't type properly, though. I only use one finger on my left hand. I never learned to type. I just did my own thing.

How fast can you run?

I haven't ran in over five years!  

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