Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Currently (January 2022 Edition)


Eating: all my free birthday foods. Yesterday I got my free meal at Tucano's. I now have a spreadsheet of my remaining free foods and their expiration dates on my phone so I can plan accordingly. 

Struggling with: consistency in my parenting. I've always had a hard time with this.

Hoping: to buy new furniture for the living room soon. Our hand-me-down couch has lived a great life, but I'm sitting on it currently and can feel the frame of the couch pressing on my tailbone. 

Worried about: sending Daisy to junior high next year. Don't make me do it. 

Looking forward to: Hamilton in Salt Lake! We got tickets for Nicky and Daisy for Christmas. We're excited to take them. We got tickets to a matinee because we are old souls and can't go out past 7:00 p.m. 


Happy Feet. I’m writing from the sedation room at the dentist’s office. Zoe is having some teeth extracted. 

(Note to self: send reminder to Tooth Fairy)

Wearing: jeans and a hoodie.

Listening to: Zoe chatting incessantly. She gets really hyper when she’s sedated. She’s currently describing what it feels like to have eyeballs.

Singing: "Shake it Off." I don't know why. Sometimes it's just there. In the head. And it won't go away. Can't stop, won't stop grooving.

Buying: eye gel. I don't think it helps, though. 

Craving: a couch nap on a dark, rainy day. 

Needing: to empty the vacuum canister.

Daydreaming about: having our house paid off. I like to look at the balance we owe and daydream about living off pinto beans and pasta for a few years straight and getting it paid off. 

Annoyed by: all the leftover Christmas decorations I keep finding around my house.


Working on: a list of goals for this year. I'm taking my time, but I think I'll be ready before September this time. 

Procrastinating: putting the basement Christmas tree away. Normally I like everything put away before Nicky's birthday on the 27th, but I didn't follow my normal clean-up routine this year, so the basement tree is still up, and there are several decorations around the house that didn't make it into the storage bins. Getting the storage bins would require me to walk through snow, and I just don't wanna.

Loving: how quiet my house is right now. We are home from the dentist. Zoe keeps drifting in and out of sleep, and all I can hear is the bubbles of my Coke popping next to me and the ticking of the clock in the kitchen. 

I didn't even know that clock ticked. 

Zoe post-extraction (this is her third time having teeth pulled, bless her little heart)

Learning: about the Great Pyramid. I used to know a lot about the pyramids and ancient Egypt, but I've forgotten it all, so I started reading up on a few things recently. One thing that has always fascinated me is that in order to built the Great Pyramid in the time it is thought to have been built (approximately 27 years) they would have had to place one stone every five minutes. The Great Pyramid is made up of somewhere between 2.3 and 3 million stones. 

How did they do it?


I can't wait to find out someday. 

The Great pyramid is about 4,700 years old. That means when Jesus lived, it was already nearly 3,000 years old! Did Jesus see the pyramids during his time in Egypt? 

Trying: to share my negative opinions with less frequency. If I don't think highly of something or someone, I don't necessarily have to tell anyone.

Enjoying: having Christmas over with. I love Christmas, but I also love when it goes away, and I get to have a break from the holidays. 

Thinking about: the variety of the earth and how you can drive just a few hours and experience a part of the world that looks completely different from where you live. Last night for Family Home Evening, we talked about the Creation, and I made a video slide show with photos of God's creations that we've seen as a family. I used pictures we've taken of different landscapes, animals, and plants. It was pretty cool to realize how many amazing things we've seen that show us God's hand. 

Feeling: quite tired. I think I need to have a good 12 hour sleep session to reset from the holidays. 

Grateful for: comfortable shoes. 

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