Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I Dream of Churches

When I was in elementary school, one of my favorite books was Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn. 
I read the book several times, and I always loved that the book took place in an old church turned private residence. Of course, “old church” usually means there is a cemetery nearby, and that’s where Helen comes into play, may she rest in peace.
Because of this book, living in an old church became a childhood fantasy of mine. I still have a soft spot for the idea. In fact, I occasionally have dreams where I live in a church. If the planets ever align and an old church becomes available in the right place at the right time, and I have the money to buy it and turn it residential, consider it done. 
Of course, I live in Utah where churches are plentiful, but not the right kind of churches, so I was surprised when, a few years ago, I came across this in a local newspaper:
Baptist Church0001
It is exactly what I’ve always dreamed of, and it is HERE in Utah… in the town I grew up in! Someone is living my dream in (what I hope is) a happy and Helen-free manner.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

There is an old LDS church that has been sold to the public in Clinton. My former boss used to own it and had wedding receptions there. She sold it to a counseling group but that must have not worked out because it is for sale again. It would be way cool to live in an old church. You should check it out.