Sunday, March 2, 2025

Currently (March 2025 Edition)


This book was an Amazon First Read from January, and I have no idea what is going on and can’t keep the characters straight. I’m not sure if I’ll finish it. 

Wearing: black pants and a Beatles sweatshirt. My Beatles sweatshirt has been a staple of my winter wardrobe this year, and I'm not quite ready to give up my sweatshirts!

Annoyed by: streaming services starting random shows for me. The other day I watched a show that only has two episodes released, and I didn't know, so I thought I was binge watching. When the third episode had all new characters and a (slightly) different storyline, it took me 20 minutes to realize it wasn't my show! I just kept waiting for it to tie in. 

Craving: birria tacos. I got hooked on the ones at EPCOT, so now I need to find a local "go to" or book another trip to Orlando (which I am not at all opposed to). 

Working on: teaching my kids social emotional skills. I recently had the impression that I need to spend more time teaching them... well... everything. There are a lot of things that I think my kids know, and then I realize they don't. Just a funny example - I once handed Nicky my phone when a grandparent wanted to talk to him, and Nicky just held the phone and breathed in it, and I said, "Nicky, say hello!" I realized he didn't know that you say "Hello" to start a phone conversation. I laughed about it, but it was pretty eye opening because I assumed that was just a natural thing to pick up a phone and greet the person on the other end, but Nicky had no idea! His generation is living in an entirely different world than I grew up in. After that, I had to teach each of my kids to say "hello" on the phone because they just have no idea! 

Painting: my kitchen table and chairs. 

Brief history of this table here

Buying: lots of puzzles from the thrift store

This one was really fun and easy but was missing a piece (500)

This one was so hard but had all the pieces (1,000)

Eating: Million Dollar Spaghetti. I made some the other night, and the leftovers are going strong.

Suffering from: neuropathy in my feet (and sometimes hands). It’s starting to really bother me. My feet hurt all the time (I have been to the doctor and just scheduled a follow up for April). 


Dreading: sitting through all the end of school year performances. 

Proud of myself for: buying Shout wipes to keep in my purse and getting all our medical bills caught up and making an appointment for family photos. 

Enjoying: puzzles! I just can't get enough right now, and I'm really happy about it because I stopped enjoying puzzles for a while, and that made me sad. I feel like I've found a part of myself that I lost. It might sound like a silly thing, but to me, it's significant because I've lost a lot of my passions in the past year. 


We broke out Power Grid for the first time in about eight years. It’s a fun game, but we feel like there is a big design flaw in the maps that makes gameplay unfair. 

Drinking: water. I’m trying to do better with my hydration. I’m also trying a one-a-day soda intake regimen. So far it has been successful… for one day. 

Sick of: reels in social media. I hate that their content is forced on you whether you're interested or not. I'm constantly bombarded with "do this, not that" (telling me everything I'm doing is wrong) and "Ozempic gals!" (telling me I'm fat). I don't click on them, but because reels are playing automatically, I'm exposed to their messages in two second increments whether I like it or not.

Cooking: Boursin Chicken. I'd never heard of Boursin cheese until I stumbled across that recipe on Pinterest. Then I saw a three-pack at Costco, so I tried out the Boursin Chicken recipe, and it was a keeper. We did chicken and baked potatoes and put the sauce on the potatoes. There is also a pork chop version that I intend to try out soon. 

Avoiding: mopping my hard floor. They are in desperate need, but I like to do puzzles instead. 

BeReal caught me puzzling several days in a row

Worried about: Zoe going to junior high. I applied for her to go to a different school months ago, and I've never heard back. Meanwhile, all the registration things for next year are underway, and I'm not able to do anything. I worry that we are missing opportunities while we are in limbo.

Hoping: that Zoe gets to go to the school we applied for.

Looking forward to: Nicky getting his mission call (but I'm also nervous - a little spot on a map is going to have a huge impact on his life)


Beatles sweatshirt + thrifted puzzle (missing 4 pieces but still fun)

Curious about: internal monologue and what it would be like to not have a constant narration going on in your mind. My brain "talks" constantly (and always has a song playing, too, so there is a song and a narration going on in my head all the time). I was simply agog* to learn that not everyone experiences internal monologue

Singing: “Maps” by Maroon 5. As mentioned above, I always have a song in my head, and I would say I'm on about day three of this one. I'm guessing that since there are people who don't have inner dialogue, there are probably people who don't have music playing in their brains constantly, either. Which are you? Are you the weird one, or am I?

Wanting: a compound of the real estate variety. Is it bad that I find The Village appealing? Can I buy Hildale?

Laughing about: Nicky's ability to find random treasures everywhere he goes. The other day he came home with a violin. 

Needing: new walking/athletic shoes. It's really hard for me to find shoes that fit my feet well and don't hurt, so when I have a pair that meets the criteria, I hang on to them for as long as possible. A few weeks ago, I had to get rid of a few pairs of well-loved shoes, so now I need to start looking for a replacement pair or two. Shoes are tough because it's really hard to tell from trying them on for a few minutes whether they will be good for my feet once broken in. Last year I paid good money for a pair of Hokas, and they are some of the most painful shoes I've ever worn, which is shocking because so many people love Hokas. My feet just betray me over and over again. 

Feeling: just fine. Not incredible and not horrible, but I'll take it!

Procrastinating: making some medical appointments. I'm not intentionally putting it off, I just tend to only remember after hours. We are due for some eye appointments and dental exams, and I need to schedule a follow-up for sleep apnea, which I like to just ignore because I ain't got time for sleep apnea. 

Missing: being on vacation. I've got the bug! I want to get out of here! And it doesn't need to be anywhere fancy. I could drive an hour away from home, label it a vacation, and be perfectly happy. 

Grateful for: encouraging friends who help and support my children. Daisy tried out for Madrigals this week because a good friend urged her on and helped her do it. She didn't make it (the odds for a sophomore girl are always poor, meanwhile boys with zero talent have free reign), but I was so proud of her for trying (without me having to forcer her). In the end, it's fine that she didn't make it because it frees up room in her schedule for other things she's interested in, and I don't have to go to all the Madrigals performances (which I was secretly dreading). Her friend made it, though, and we are so happy for her because she is going to be a senior, and she really wanted it!

*a line from The Music Man

1 comment: said...

I clicked on the boursin chicken while fasting and I've never wanted to eat something more in my life. I'm making it... Tomorrow after I acquire said cheese