Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Today is the Day (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: My kids (finally) go back to school today after the Longest Winter Break of All Time. We’ve taken on a whole new schedule and lifestyle in the time the kids have been out of school. I don’t remember how to do the routine. I don’t remember how to feed my family non-party food that I have to buy and prepare myself. I don’t remember what day it is. I don’t remember how to go to work during normal hours (I went in at 5:30 am during the break). 

Fact #2: Speaking of party food, even though the holidays have come and gone, we are still partying pretty hard over here. Our family has so many December and January birthdays that we can’t even think about rest until February. Over the weekend we had a combined birthday celebration for me (Jan 1), my brother-in-law (Jan 3), and my father-in law (Jan 4). The next day we had Nicky’s birthday party. His birthday was December 27, but we put off his birthday party for a bit because we were booked with Christmas events, other people’s birthdays, and a niece leaving on a mission. I wanted to do something at least a little bit special for his 18th so we had an open house and encouraged people to dress like Nicky. 

Sadly, I got very few pictures. 

Fact #3: On Saturday, during the hustle and bustle of getting ready for parties, someone drifted into my lane and sideswiped  my van. Everyone was fine. Her car was fine. My van’s damage was minimal and only cosmetic (fortunately), but it was a bit inconvenient. I’m not sure, but I think the girl might have initially tried to run. I chased her down, and she pulled over. 

The door is dented, but the scuffs all came out.

Fact #4: Puzzles we did over winter break:

Fact #5: I wish we’d had more time for puzzles and games. On Christmas Day I wanted to play Ark Nova so bad, but in the afternoon, Scotty got slammed with a head cold. He was pretty sick for about 4-5 days. Alas, there was never Ark Nova. 

Fact #6: We hoped to get Daisy’s learner’s permit over the break, and that never happened. After my car accident over the weekend, she’s taking a big step back in any desire to drive. But we did get Nicky’s dental and medical checkups done for his mission paperwork, so at least we have something checked off our to do list. 

Fact #7: I have been engaging in a wonderful journey of collecting all of my free birthday food and gifts. Stay tuned at the end of the month for a thorough rundown. In the meantime, here is a teaser:

Fact #8: 

Me: Go put the HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign out in the yard for the party.

My kids:

Fact #9: I have jury duty next week. This is the 8th time in my life I’ve been summoned for jury duty. Something is wrong with the system. Why is it that I can’t win BINGO to save my life, but I can get called up for jury duty the second I’m eligible?

Fact #10: I am solidly one of those people who get the bug right after Christmas to throw out everything we own and declutter the entire house. I have taken three car loads of stuff to the DI. It feels so refreshing! This is such a funny phenomenon, but I am definitely among the January purgers. My mentality right now is “if it makes me feel any amount of stress to own it, use it, or store it, I want it gone!” I’m doing this with “stuff” but also with food. I’ve gone through all of our food and thrown out everything that I feel stressed out about trying to use up. 

I love getting rid of stuff! Wish I could get rid of my jury summons… (I’m contemplating paying the $1,000 fine and taking the night in jail).

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