Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer Stuff

This summer has been different from any other summer. Mostly because I’ve been working, which has been a huge boost to my summer mental health. It has also helped force independence on my kids. This is also Nicky’s last summer as a “kid.” No pressure to make it meaningful, right? 

Here are a few things that we’ve done this summer that I haven’t posted about:

1. Zoe did a youth theatre camp and presented Honk Jr. She was in the ensemble and got to be a chicken. Here is her headshot from the program:

2. Scotty took Nicky, Zoe, and Eva camping. Daisy and I stayed home because it was a bit too spontaneous for our taste (Scotty decided around 5:00 that he was going camping and left at 5:30). 

3. We had a four-way tie playing Bohnanza at game night!

4. The kids have gone on lots of temple trips.

5. We got a new trampoline, but we haven’t gotten rid of the old, broken one yet, so we have a lot of trampolines in our back yard!

6. We had to take Zoe to Instacare three days in a row! The first day was to test her for strep (negative). Then the next day, she started with pink eye! And on day 3, she was complaining of ear pain, so we took her in to make sure she didn’t have an ear infection the day before girls camp (she did not). 

7. My mom took Zoe and Eva camping. Unfortunately that’s when Zoe got a sore throat, so I had to bring her home early. We went up to the camp in Perry for a day. 

8. Scotty’s dad and step-mom hosted a rocket launch for the grandkids followed by swimming at the rec center.

9. We spent a day in Logan. We have Get Out Passes, so we went and used our passes to Zootah and a trampoline park. We also ate at Center Street Grill and went to Gossner’s for squeaky cheese, milk, and ice cream.

10. We went on a tour of Mrs. Cavanaugh’s chocolates. 

11. We went on a picnic in the mountains, and Nicky found a bunch of golf balls, which kept the younger kids busy for a while.

And finally…

12. We went to a dinner theatre/magic show where somehow, the magician got a quarter in my hand, and I’m still freaking out!

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