Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Onward, November!

Hello there! It's been a week since I last posted, which isn't unusual, but oh! What a week it's been! This whole month, in fact, is packed with good and crazy things. On Saturday, I hit my wall and had my "I can't do this" breakdown, but luckily, it was short-lived, and I was okay by Sunday morning. Prayer got me through. I've been praying my guts out all month - for energy and organizational skills beyond my natural abilities. 

After we got through the 176 days of Halloween, we moved right on to the next series of events. I had IEP meetings for Zoe and Eva - I recently had Eva assessed for speech, and they determined that she needs services. Zoe's IEP was up for renewal, so it was nice and convenient that I was able to do them both at the same time. 

Zoe's birthday was November 2nd. She's nine! NINE! On her birthday we had grandparents over, and Zoe wanted a crepe bar. We also had her birthday dinner that night. She surprised us by selecting tamales! 

Zoe enjoying her birthday spoils

That same week was "parent watch day" for my girls' dance classes, so I went to two classes and Scotty went to the third. Meanwhile, Zoe continued attending cheer practice three days a week. We also had our normal piano lessons, Lego League, Crazy 8's club, youth activities, musical rehearsals, and Elders' Quorum and evening work meetings for Scotty. 

The first Saturday of the month we had Zoe's cheer competition (her team took 2nd place). 

Zoe's cheer competition

Right after that, we had a birthday party for Zoe with her friends. Then Nicky went to Sadie Hawkins. The following day we had our primary program rehearsal at church (I am still the primary music leader), and that night we had Nicky's Court of Honor at the lodge at Camp Tracy so he could be awarded his Eagle Scout. We had the ceremony and a dinner. Scotty wanted to smoke brisket and pork butt, so he was awake all night Saturday checking on the meat and smoker (it all turned out great and everything went really well). 

The fabulous food line

The next week we had orthodontist appointments, hair appointments, and well-child appointments.

Daisy wanted bangs

Nicky had late-night play practices every day. I've been going to the school to help with make-up, and we took our turn hosting dinner for the cast. Yesterday I helped with make-up and then came back later to help my friend Christie serve dinner to the kids. Did I drop and shatter her Crock Pot? Maybe. Let’s not talk about it.

I put a little make-up on my son, and now I don't recognize him!

On Saturday we had Zoe's cheer showcase where the team got to show family and friends everything they've learned this season. They also did their team photos that day (this is the event that nearly broke me). 

On Sunday, we had our primary program, which I led the music for. Our pianist got sick last week, so we had to have someone else step in. Everything worked out, and the kids did great. This is the 7th primary program I've done as either a member of the presidency or the chorister, and somehow, it just always works out! Even if everything is an absolute mess the week before, it's always fine in the end. 

Throughout all of this, I've been making and selling pumpkin rolls. I've made 60 in total and sold almost all of them. I don't know how I've been able to pull this off because it should be the straw that breaks the camel's back, but I've done it! And I've loved it!

Pumpkin roll #24

And that brings me to today... Tuesday, November 16. Half-way through the month, with plenty more to come. Tonight is Nicky's first performance of the school play. It's a special preview for the parents. After tonight, he has six more performances and then BAM! It's Thanksgiving. I think things will slow down to a more "normal" pace after that, but with the way things are going right now, if I blink, it will be 2022. Crazy! 

1 comment:

love.joy.lane said...

Your November has stressed me out...