Friday, June 25, 2021

Ninety-Six Thousand

Since watching In the Heights for the first time a few weeks ago (and a couple of times since), our whole family* has had the songs stuck in our heads. 

One of the more common lines we find ourselves singing is, “Check one, two, three, what would you do with 96 G’s?” 

In that song, the characters sing about what they would do if they won the $96,000 lottery. 

The other day, while in the car, I was thinking about what I would do with 96 G’s. As far as lotteries go, it’s not the greatest sum, but it sure beats the $2-3** I hear of my friends and family winning.

Here’s what I would do with 96 G’s:

First action: pay off our house.

Second action: pay off our truck.

Third action: renovate at least one of our bathrooms but I’d hope to stretch my dollars far enough to do both. 

(I decided that in this hypothetical situation, I don’t have to pay taxes).

My kids (some of whom have no concept of money or cost of living), told me the following:

Nicky would put the money in the bank because Scotty and I made a deal with our kids that we will match every dollar they put into savings. So far we’ve been able to keep up on this commitment, but if our kids are going to be throwing around those kind of figures… we’re in trouble!

Daisy said that if she won 96 G’s, she’s give $50,000 to her mom and dad (suddenly I have a favorite child), give some to charity, and buy a chinchilla.

Zoe said she would “probably buy a mansion.” I decided that age 8 isn’t the time to crush her dreams, so we’ll stick with that for now.

Eva said that she would buy ten pet rabbits and one pet cat.

Scotty said, “If I win the lottery, you’ll never see me again,” which, thankfully, is just another line from In the Heights and not an actual sentiment from him. Smart aleck.

*We let our kids watch In the Heights, but you should definitely do your own research and decide for yourself whether you allow your own children to see it. It has some language, innuendo, and other things that aren’t especially “kid friendly.”

**We do have a relative that won 250 G’s, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait are you doing all three of those actions with 96 G's or just picking from the three?