Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Flickr Revisited

Does anyone still use Flickr? I do. I have to because my computer AND my external hard drive went kaput, so there are thousands of lost photos that I can only get back if I pay thousands of dollars. Luckily I have a history with using Flickr to post photos to my blog. It saved me!

Anyway, I was going through an old photo set on Flickr today (looking for my Christmas banner), and I came across some very interesting photos. Most of them had blogging significance at one point, but if you were to see them now, without the back story accompany them, you might find them odd.

Here are ten of my most random Flickr photos. I hope my lack of explanation allows your imagination to go wild:

1. Raoul is a pansy!


2. The Prophet Called...

The Prophet Called

3. Kenny

Creepy Doll

4. Cutting the Cheese


5. Uncle Brett's Legs


6. I don't Remember Owning This

February 2009 007

7. Constipation Greeting Card

June 2009 009

8. How I Casted Twilight

Saved by the Bella

9. That Was a Bad Day

August 2010 351

10. Just Bill & Ted

Pages from my Book of Mormon

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I never did Flikr. Those are some seriously random pictures! They made me laugh!