Saturday, July 7, 2012

Currently {July 2012 Edition}

Reading: Catch Me if You Can by Frank Abagnale, Jr. Done.

Wondering: what "type" of books I like. I don't really have a particular genre that I'm fond of. In fact, most books displease me, so when I ask people for book recommendations, and they say, "Well, what do you like?" I have to say, "Nothing, mostly."

And it's true. I guess the best way to put it is that I love reading, but I don't like very many books.

Procrastinating: planning Sharing Time for Sunday. This is the third time since I've been in the primary (eight months) that my Sharing Time outline has said to sing "Kindness Begins with Me." Why do I always have to sing "Kindness Begins with Me?" First of all, I don't know it. Secondly, I don't like singing for Sharing Time since we have Singing Time immediately after. And third, I can't stand that song!

(This is me murmuring).

Craving: nothing. I barfed a lot this week, so I don't have an appetite.

Dreading: more dental work at the end of the month. Have you noticed how I am always in queue for some form of dental torture? I had two crowns in November, and I'm still having work done on one of them. Here is the history of The Tooth (because I'm sure you want to know):

When I was about 8 years old, my dad took me for my six-month check-up, and the dentist said I needed to have a cavity filled. I refused (to the point where the dentist felt his life was at stake) to let him fill the cavity. Some time later (at least a year but possibly longer) I went to a new dentist who said my cavity had gotten quite deep in that tooth and that I would probably need a root canal. I refused to have a root canal and got the cavity filled. Every now and then over the next several years, I would have some discomfort in that tooth, but I kept it secret. The last time I had pain in that tooth was when I was 18, so for the next ten years, it didn't bother me at all. BUT every time I went to a new dentist (and I've been to several), I was told that I would need to have that tooth crowned someday because of how deep the cavity was (there really wasn't much tooth left). Last year I went in for my check-up, and GASP! I had a new cavity in that tooth, which meant that 4 out of the 5 surfaces of that tooth had cavities. It was time for a crown! (I actually needed two crowns, right next to each other). So I went in and got two crowns. They were put on with temporary cement for two weeks, and throughout those two weeks, I had to admit that The Tooth was bothering me a bit. When I went in to have the permanent crowns put on, I confessed to my dentist that The Tooth hurt. He said that the pain might have been caused by this or that, so he left the crown on with temporary cement "just in case." Like I said, that was in November, and my six-month was in February. By the time my check-up arrived, I was having discomfort in my tooth daily. From the time my crowns were started in November until my check-up in February, I hadn't been able to chew on the right side of my mouth. The dentist did an x-ray and said, "Yep! You need a root canal!" So the root canal I had evaded since age eight finally caught up to me twenty years later! I had the root canal in June, and since my crown was on with temporary cement, the endodontist was able to pop it off and drill through the tooth nub underneath. Then he put the crown back on with temporary cement. So now I still have to go into the dentist to have the crown put on permanently.

Next on the list: wisdom teeth.

Wearing: some maternity shorts that have some weird leopard print on the butt. I feel kind of desperate.

Needing: new tires. One of life's many inconveniences. When is there ever excitement is buying tires??

Suffering from: potty training. Daisy's been training off and on for a while now, but I haven't really wanted to put much effort into it because A) I'm pregnant and B) I've developed an irrational fear of pants-pooping (another child of mine - whom I shall not name - pooped his pants almost every day for TWO YEARS after he was "potty trained").

(Add this to the list of Things I Must Edit From My Blog Before I Have Teenagers).

I promised myself, though, that I would concentrate on effective potty training after Daisy's surgery.

Thankful for: not gaining any weight yet this pregnancy. How lucky is that?

(Don't worry, though. I'll make up for it in four months when food starts tasting good again).

Enjoying: being free from morning sickness and fatigues (most days).

Proud of myself for: returning some impulse purchases at Sam's Club. $16 back in my pocket! (and then I spent $7 at Chick-Fil-A. Maybe I should have just kept my Pop-Tarts and Gummi Bears).

Worried about: running out of water during the apocalypse.

Addicted to: sugar cereal. Shame on me, I know, but I can't help it. Reese's Puffs? OH.MY.GOSH.

Splurging on: registering our cars. Scotty and I did this silly thing where we both bought new cars in August before we got married, thereby requiring us to register two cars during the same month each year. When the time came for new cars, we ended up buying one in August again, and then we bought the other one the following August. So we still have to register both our cars at the same time. AND it's also back to school time for Scotty and Nicky which means we have tuition, books, and school clothes to pay for on top of all of the car stuff. Dare I mention that we need 4 new tires and a new windshield? YIKES!!


Jeanette said...

I'm glad you said that about the books, I feel the same way, I love reading, but I don't love very much of what I read.

Sorry to hear you are still struggling with your tooth =0( I have severe anxiety issues with the dentist, so much so that I didn't go for about 15 years, which means I needed some MAJOR work when I finally went. I have to be completely drugged, Valium and laughing gas even for a cleaning. I stress myself out for weeks before an appointment. I love my dentist though, he's awesome with me and my crazy issues.

And on cars...we bought all of ours in February *Sigh* all three of them!

Dugi said...

ROOT CANAL WHILE U R PREGNANT? is that ok? i was told no.

Britt said...

Most doctors agree that it is okay to have dental work done during pregnancy, preferrably during the second trimster. You just can't have laughing gas or be put under.

k said...

Dental work makes me want to run away from home.

I hate it so much.