Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Things I Didn’t Buy From the Thrift Store

Presidential plate current to Bill Clinton

Jar of rocks

Mom’s personal history

Custom gift bag

Action figure art

My soul sister


NSYNC bobble heads 

Amy has only been awesome since 2014

Fart game with sound effects CD

Girl calling 911 (not eating a Dunford donut as I initially believed)

Enthusiastic bearded friend

Owl mirror art with a history…

From the back of the owl

Bunny art

Exercycle (get tetanus shot before using)

Mustachioed Dorito pillow

Old goat 

Odd-necked chicken 

What I did buy:

I found a gallon ziplock bag with some random Christmas cards and gift tags for $1. I thought it would be a good purchase of items to throw in my gift bin. When I got home, I picked through it to decide what to keep and what to toss. First I found someone’s stack of Christmas letters and photo cards with a bunch of return address labels from 2023. Then I found two sealed envelopes that felt like they had gift cards in them. I opened them up, and they were $10 Amazon gift cards. 

Last week I was hoping for a “win,” and I got a 1,000 piece puzzle with no missing pieces. This week, my “win” came in the form of $20 to spend on Amazon. If this pattern continues, I will be a very happy gal. 

(Manifesting bigger and better “wins” from henceforth). 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Currently (March 2025 Edition)


This book was an Amazon First Read from January, and I have no idea what is going on and can’t keep the characters straight. I’m not sure if I’ll finish it. 

Wearing: black pants and a Beatles sweatshirt. My Beatles sweatshirt has been a staple of my winter wardrobe this year, and I'm not quite ready to give up my sweatshirts!

Annoyed by: streaming services starting random shows for me. The other day I watched a show that only has two episodes released, and I didn't know, so I thought I was binge watching. When the third episode had all new characters and a (slightly) different storyline, it took me 20 minutes to realize it wasn't my show! I just kept waiting for it to tie in. 

Craving: birria tacos. I got hooked on the ones at EPCOT, so now I need to find a local "go to" or book another trip to Orlando (which I am not at all opposed to). 

Working on: teaching my kids social emotional skills. I recently had the impression that I need to spend more time teaching them... well... everything. There are a lot of things that I think my kids know, and then I realize they don't. Just a funny example - I once handed Nicky my phone when a grandparent wanted to talk to him, and Nicky just held the phone and breathed in it, and I said, "Nicky, say hello!" I realized he didn't know that you say "Hello" to start a phone conversation. I laughed about it, but it was pretty eye opening because I assumed that was just a natural thing to pick up a phone and greet the person on the other end, but Nicky had no idea! His generation is living in an entirely different world than I grew up in. After that, I had to teach each of my kids to say "hello" on the phone because they just have no idea! 

Painting: my kitchen table and chairs. 

Brief history of this table here

Buying: lots of puzzles from the thrift store

This one was really fun and easy but was missing a piece (500)

This one was so hard but had all the pieces (1,000)

Eating: Million Dollar Spaghetti. I made some the other night, and the leftovers are going strong.

Suffering from: neuropathy in my feet (and sometimes hands). It’s starting to really bother me. My feet hurt all the time (I have been to the doctor and just scheduled a follow up for April). 


Dreading: sitting through all the end of school year performances. 

Proud of myself for: buying Shout wipes to keep in my purse and getting all our medical bills caught up and making an appointment for family photos. 

Enjoying: puzzles! I just can't get enough right now, and I'm really happy about it because I stopped enjoying puzzles for a while, and that made me sad. I feel like I've found a part of myself that I lost. It might sound like a silly thing, but to me, it's significant because I've lost a lot of my passions in the past year. 


We broke out Power Grid for the first time in about eight years. It’s a fun game, but we feel like there is a big design flaw in the maps that makes gameplay unfair. 

Drinking: water. I’m trying to do better with my hydration. I’m also trying a one-a-day soda intake regimen. So far it has been successful… for one day. 

Sick of: reels in social media. I hate that their content is forced on you whether you're interested or not. I'm constantly bombarded with "do this, not that" (telling me everything I'm doing is wrong) and "Ozempic gals!" (telling me I'm fat). I don't click on them, but because reels are playing automatically, I'm exposed to their messages in two second increments whether I like it or not.

Cooking: Boursin Chicken. I'd never heard of Boursin cheese until I stumbled across that recipe on Pinterest. Then I saw a three-pack at Costco, so I tried out the Boursin Chicken recipe, and it was a keeper. We did chicken and baked potatoes and put the sauce on the potatoes. There is also a pork chop version that I intend to try out soon. 

Avoiding: mopping my hard floor. They are in desperate need, but I like to do puzzles instead. 

BeReal caught me puzzling several days in a row

Worried about: Zoe going to junior high. I applied for her to go to a different school months ago, and I've never heard back. Meanwhile, all the registration things for next year are underway, and I'm not able to do anything. I worry that we are missing opportunities while we are in limbo.

Hoping: that Zoe gets to go to the school we applied for.

Looking forward to: Nicky getting his mission call (but I'm also nervous - a little spot on a map is going to have a huge impact on his life)


Beatles sweatshirt + thrifted puzzle (missing 4 pieces but still fun)

Curious about: internal monologue and what it would be like to not have a constant narration going on in your mind. My brain "talks" constantly (and always has a song playing, too, so there is a song and a narration going on in my head all the time). I was simply agog* to learn that not everyone experiences internal monologue

Singing: “Maps” by Maroon 5. As mentioned above, I always have a song in my head, and I would say I'm on about day three of this one. I'm guessing that since there are people who don't have inner dialogue, there are probably people who don't have music playing in their brains constantly, either. Which are you? Are you the weird one, or am I?

Wanting: a compound of the real estate variety. Is it bad that I find The Village appealing? Can I buy Hildale?

Laughing about: Nicky's ability to find random treasures everywhere he goes. The other day he came home with a violin. 

Needing: new walking/athletic shoes. It's really hard for me to find shoes that fit my feet well and don't hurt, so when I have a pair that meets the criteria, I hang on to them for as long as possible. A few weeks ago, I had to get rid of a few pairs of well-loved shoes, so now I need to start looking for a replacement pair or two. Shoes are tough because it's really hard to tell from trying them on for a few minutes whether they will be good for my feet once broken in. Last year I paid good money for a pair of Hokas, and they are some of the most painful shoes I've ever worn, which is shocking because so many people love Hokas. My feet just betray me over and over again. 

Feeling: just fine. Not incredible and not horrible, but I'll take it!

Procrastinating: making some medical appointments. I'm not intentionally putting it off, I just tend to only remember after hours. We are due for some eye appointments and dental exams, and I need to schedule a follow-up for sleep apnea, which I like to just ignore because I ain't got time for sleep apnea. 

Missing: being on vacation. I've got the bug! I want to get out of here! And it doesn't need to be anywhere fancy. I could drive an hour away from home, label it a vacation, and be perfectly happy. 

Grateful for: encouraging friends who help and support my children. Daisy tried out for Madrigals this week because a good friend urged her on and helped her do it. She didn't make it (the odds for a sophomore girl are always poor, meanwhile boys with zero talent have free reign), but I was so proud of her for trying (without me having to forcer her). In the end, it's fine that she didn't make it because it frees up room in her schedule for other things she's interested in, and I don't have to go to all the Madrigals performances (which I was secretly dreading). Her friend made it, though, and we are so happy for her because she is going to be a senior, and she really wanted it!

*a line from The Music Man

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Goings On

Here are some things that have been going on lately...

Daisy has been watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Gilmore Girls. We have regular discussions about all the red flags in Rory's love life. Daisy's friend just started Gilmore Girls the other day, and they are now texting regular arguments about Rory's boyfriends. 

Nicky had a pottery piece selected for display in the Utah High School All-State Art Show. That means his work is in a legit museum! We drove down there (Springville) on Tuesday to see it.

Daisy got her learners permit.

Nicky got a significant amount of hair cut off last week and said, "I look like a bully from a Disney Channel movie." (He actually looks like Sid from Toy Story). 

Nicky and I went to a district-wide prom for students with special needs. It was the cutest and funnest thing ever! Nicky wasn't thrilled that I was there, but sorry kid! Your mom is part of your life, and you're just gonna have to deal with it!

The other day I was behind Lightning McQueen in the McDonald's drive thru, and I don't think anything more exciting than that will ever happen to me. 

In addition to the 2,000 piece puzzle I bought from the thrift store, I found a 750 piece thrifted puzzle with all pieces accounted for (I'd still rather have $10,000).

Right now, all I want to do is build puzzles and do word games. 

My kids had a five-day weekend last week. Five days. In the middle of February. 

Nicky's mission papers are almost complete. We are just waiting for his passport to arrive (passports are not required, but Scotty wanted him to have one). 

Update: mission papers are in! 

The other day I snuck 14 pieces of pizza (with paper plates and ranch dressing) into the movie theater. If I have to watch Dog Man, there needs to be sustenance. 

Nicky wins stuff on the radio all the time. The DJ knows him by name. This week he won a $200 gift card to Living Spaces. 

We've had hardly any snow this winter (about which I am not complaining), but Scotty wanted the kids to have a chance to go sledding, so he took them to the mountains on Presidents Day. 

We have a cardboard cutout of Nicky's theatre teacher at our house, and she scares the crap out of us pretty much every day. One of Daisy’s friends left her in our shower the other night.

Friday, February 21, 2025

60 Questions

This questionnaire is brought to you by the usual culprit… me being awake at 4 in the morning…

1. Who do you call and text the most? 

Shannon & Laurel

2. If you could travel anywhere in the world this instant, where would you go? 

This instant? Disney World. This is not my answer for every instant, but right now? In February? During an Utah winter? Send me to Orlando, Baby!

3. Would you prefer to own a yacht or private jet?

Jet! (It comes with a pilot, right?)

4. If money and time were no object, what would you do for a living? 

I would open two businesses:

The first is a day spa where you can get therapy, so all of the aestheticians are also licensed therapists. You get to work through your sh*t while getting pampered. 

The second is a dance academy that offers free tuition and also teaches character building (with an emphasis on body image and self-worth) and includes movement classes for individuals with special needs. 

5. Would you rather be able to talk to birds or sharks?

Birds, but only because I feel like they would have all the hot gossip since they can fly and watch everything! What tea would sharks have? They’re stuck under water. They don’t know nothing. 

6. If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?

Photographic memory/perfect recall 

7. If you entered an eating contest, do you think you could win?

No comment.

8. Which country would you like to live in? 

Where do the nice people live? I’ll go there. Is it Canada?

9. If you could speak a foreign language, which would you speak?


10. What superhero would you most like to be friends with? 

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because there will be pizza.

11. If you were offered the chance to be on the first manned space flight to Mars, would you go?

No. I’m a pansy. 

12. What’s the most ridiculous thing that someone has ever fooled you into thinking was true?

My parents told me that if I cried in the mountains, the “man in the green truck” would come take me away, so I grew up with an irrational fear of forest rangers. 

13. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done?

Got married and started breeding.

14. If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be? 

A gorilla. Because you can be super active or super lazy, and either way, everyone thinks you’re so cool and so amazing simply because you’re a gorilla.

15. If you could be famous for something, what would it be?

For being wonderful. And nice. I only want to be famous if everybody likes me. I don’t want to be famous and deal with people hating me. I have high demands for my fame. 

16. If you had to give yourself a new name, what would you call yourself?

Lil Boo Thang.

Yeah, I’d make it weird.

17. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

Ward cookbook stuff. Mormon comfort foods. 

(I have no desire to own a restaurant and have zero restaurant-owning ideas or daydreams)

18. What’s one food you could never bring yourself to eat?

I’m sure there’s something… I just don’t know what it is. 

19. Have you ever stalked someone on social media and accidentally liked a photo?

Stalked? Yes. But I don’t think I’ve ever accidentally liked a photo. I’ve accidentally sent a friend request before, though. 

20. What song could you listen to on repeat forever?

My namesake, Lil Boo Thang, obviously.

(But really, there is no song I could listen to on repeat forever. I would go absolutely mad within an hour).

21. If you could be in charge of Amazon or your favorite sports team, which one would you choose?

Seriously, what kind of question is this? Why would I want to be in charge of either of these things? Do people actually sit around fantasizing about being in charge of Amazon? 

22. If you could shop for free at any store for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Walmart. I gotta be practical here. If I need tampons, a mouse trap, new tires, and milk, ain’t nowhere else got my back like Walmart.

23. What famous person would you love to have dinner with?

The Irwins.

24. What’s the stupidest way in which you’ve hurt yourself?

25. What’s hobby would you like to start if you had more time?

After googling and reading several lists of hobbies, I’ve come to the conclusion that I already have all the hobbies I want. 

26. What’s one book you could read over and over?

The Book Thief or The Giver

27. If you started a religion what would you call it? 

Our Lady Lil Boo Thang.

We’d have lots of potlucks.

28. If you won the lottery what would you spend the money on?

How much did I win? I need a budget to work with. Let’s say a house and an epic vacation. Am I out of money yet?

29. What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done in your life?

I’m not sure, but it probably involved costumes. 

30. Have you ever called into work sick when you weren’t really sick? 

No, but I faked sick to get out of school sometimes.

31. What three people from history would you like to have a drink with with?

Joan of Arc, Queen Victoria, and Harriet Tubman

32. Do you know how your parents met?


33. What’s your favorite karaoke song?

I’ve been on the hunt for my karaoke song for many years and have yet to determine what it is. Since I sing karaoke NEVER, it’s hard to know. But almost every game night, we take turns trying to hit the high note in “Take On Me,” and that’s about as close as it gets. 

34. What’s your favorite jungle animal?

The kind that sings Hakuna Matata.

35. Do you count your daily steps?

I check my steps on my watch occasionally, but most days I don’t bother or care.

36. Which animal would sound the most intelligent if it could talk to us?

The bonobo because they are smart enough to clean their own poop out of their cages, so obviously they would have something intelligent to say.

37. What’s the worst meal you’ve ever cooked?

Lentil sloppy joes.

38. Do you like scary movies? 

Some. It depends of the nature of the “scare.” And the plot. 

39. Who’s your favorite influencer?

(Insert thirty minute rant about influencer culture here).

(But I like Brooke Romney. She is the only influencer I follow). 

40. Do you prefer home cooking or eating out?

I love it all!!!

41. How often do you wash your bedding?

No comment.

42. What’s your favorite movie?

This post can help answer that one. 

43. What’s the best place you’ve ever been on vacation?

Honestly, I have enjoyed local road trips as much as far away places. So the best place? Can be almost anywhere if you make the most of it. 

44. Do you enjoy roller coasters?

Yes indeed! 

45. Have you ever or would you ever try online dating?

Hell no.

46. Have you ever dumped anyone?


47. Do you think it’s ever okay to tell a white lie?


48. Are you still friends with your first best friend?

No - somehow I have lost touch with all of my preschool homies. 

49. What do you think happens when you die?

I don’t know. As a religious person, that’s not what my answer is supposed to be, but I don’t really know.

50. What are your dreams for the future?

Pay off our house. Pay off our van. Be financially secure and comfortable. Then decide where to go from there.

51. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

I have no idea. 

52. What’s your best family memory?

Again, I have no idea. But you can’t narrow these things down to one answer.

53. What’s your favorite time of year?

The two weeks after Halloween and the two weeks after New Year. I get a burst of energy fueled by “Hallelujah, it’s over!” and I get a ton of stuff done. 

54. What’s a bad habit you have that annoys you the most?

I don’t know if it’s really a “habit,” but clearing my throat. 

55. If you could make one rule for the family, what would it be?

I can make any rule I want. It doesn’t mean anyone will follow it! So let’s assume this question means the rule will be followed. If I could choose one family rule to always be followed, it would be to clean up after yourselves. I would choose that over no fighting. Go ahead and yell at each other in my clean house!

56. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve ever had to face and overcome?

I can’t designate anything I've experienced as "the biggest challenge" or God will give me a bigger challenge.

57. Are you good at waking up early?


58. Who’s the cleverest member of your family?

They’re all clever in different ways. 

59. Do you consider yourself an organized person?

Yes, but I am also very messy. I am a messy, organized person. 

60. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Rocky Road

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Our Top Board Games of 2024

At the end of every year I post a list of our top board games for the year. I never got around to posting our top board games of 2024, and I've been getting countless texts and emails about it (and by that I mean I've gotten exactly zero text messages and emails about it). 

Since you've all been harassing me about it, I carved out some time this evening to finally write my board game post for 2024. 

First, let's look at some of our top board games from years past:

2019: 7 Wonders

2020, 2021, & 2022: Wingspan

2023: Ark Nova

We still play Wingspan all the time, but it doesn't make our top ten list anymore because we play it exclusively on our phones (and not at Game Night). It's definitely still our favorite game. 

At the end of 2024, we were shocked to calculate our top ten board games because there were so many games that we didn't play at all! Like 7 Wonders! (we made sure to play it last week after a long hiatus). Time flies when you're having fun! (and it's easy to skip a few board games without even realizing it). 

Here are our top ten from 2024 as determined from our Game Night Ledger:

#10: Puerto Rico

#9: Qwirkle

#8: Agricola

#7: Princes of Florence

#6: Viticulture

#5: Azul

#4: Bohnanza

#3: Quixx

#2: Five Crowns

#1: Ark Nova

The Ledger has spoken. 

Ark Nova reigns for the second year in a row (and is already thriving in 2025)! It was a brutal one to learn, but now that we know how to play it, we love it. We don't care much for the Marine expansion, though, and have stopped using it. I'm finding that I don't care for many expansion packs to board games (the Wingspan ones are okay, but a lot of the other games' expansions cease to impress me. I usually like the original game better). 

Here's to more excellent gaming in 2025!