
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My Personal Evolution of Celebrity Crushes

Today I had a song stuck in my head, and it took me a while to figure out where the song came from. After singing it for a few hours, it dawned on me that it came from the dance scene in Good Burger.

And don't worry. It's not like I watched that movie 1,000 times as an early teen. And it's not like some of my best dance moves come from that very scene.


In truth, I had a big crush on Kel Mitchell.

For reals.

Before today, it had been years since Good Burger or Kel Mitchell had crossed my mind. Probably since 2006 when I heard that he had died (it was a hoax).

That got me thinking about my history of celebrity crushes.

My first celebrity crush was Michael J. Fox (as Marty McFly).

I was probably four or five years old when I developed a love for Marty. I watched Back to the Future as often as I watched Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. 

(I think my crush on Marty and my crush on Robin Hood existed simultaneously).

While I was crushing on Michael J. Fox, I told my mom I was going to name my son Marty someday. She told me that was a stupid name.

A few years later, I watched the movie Ladybugs (please tell me someone else out there watched Ladybugs). That's when I fell in love with Jonathan Brandis.

My crush on Jonathan Brandis was short-lived, and I lost track of his career after Ladybugs. In my research for this post, I was sad to learn that he hanged himself in 2003. 

When I was about ten years old, I developed my biggest and most elaborate crush of all on Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

I hung posters and wrote letters. I memorized everything about him. I replayed the dance scene from Man of the House over and over (and memorized every line). I stopped watching The Lion King whenever it got to the scene where Simba grew up and got his man voice... because what was the point? I used to make sure my hair was always done any time I left the house because I truly believed that I was going to run into Jonathan Taylor Thomas at the grocery store or McDonald's someday (even though I knew where he lived, and it was nowhere near Salt Lake City, Utah).

My love for JTT was serious business. I was loyal for about three years.

After JTT, I had the hots for a guy named Ryan Gosling on a show called Breaker High.

That's right, folks. I loved Ryan Gosling before he was a meme.

I am so ahead of the times!

Then in high school, I went through what I refer to as my "Keanu phase."

(My friends will remember. I was nothing short of annoying about it).

I don't recall how it started. I just know that it was not a result of watching Bill & Ted. I would consider my Keanu crush second only to JTT. Keanu was the only other actor I ever had a poster of.

Though my obsession for Keanu has dwindled, I have a special place in my heart for him and the losses he has suffered.

Toward the end of high school, I started taking more notice of Hugh Jackman.

Very handsome. Very charming.

Plus he's Wolverine.

(Except I like to pretend The Wolverine never happened).

Second to Hugh is Richard Armitage.

It helps that he looks like he could be Hugh Jackman's brother.

Admit it, he is the best looking of the dwarves.

Those of you who have been long-time readers may recall my days of Matthew Fox, but then half-way through Lost, my devotion took an unpredictable turn to Team Sawyer.

Those were some very conflicting years.

So tell me, have we shared any of the same crushes over the years? Please tell me someone understands the Keanu thing.


  1. Ahem. JTT was my boyfriend in middle school too. I remember he did a talk show where they set him up on a blind date with a normal non celebrity girl, and the girl they chose was completely wrong, and I spent years fantasizing about how if it would have been me I would have been dressed just right, and we would have fallen in love, and the show would have done a follow up on how we got married and had babies and what not. My longest crush though was Jared Leto from My So Called life. In fact, pretty sure I'm still crushing on him.

  2. Fellow inexplicable keanu lover here. Although mine was from a scandalous viewing of Speed in 7th grade which I became obsessed with (also obsessed with a muscle-y cop saving me from danger and admiring my driving skills). A friend and I then watched every Keanu movie we could get our hands on, even the awful, weird ones. Ah, hormones!
