
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Currently {September 2015 Edition}

Reading: nothing aside from school stuff. I haven't read any books for leisure in a really long time. The closest I get to reading "for fun" is listening to Diary of a Wimpy Kid when I'm in the car with my kids. It's crazy to think that I used to read an average of three books a week. Now I'm aiming for the goal of reading one book sometime in the next three months. I can't claim that its due to lack of time - I can always fit in some reading in the bathroom, in waiting rooms, and in the car while waiting for kids. The problem is that I'm just not enjoying reading right now. I've tried to read, but I'm just not interested. My mind is elsewhere, and I have a really hard time focusing right now. Plus, since I have to read so much for school, I like to use my spare time for other things.

Watching: The Gilmore Girls and White Collar.

Procrastinating: getting back into an exercise routine. I've never loved exercising, but right now, I despise it more than normal. A good friend of mine ran her first marathon over the weekend, and while she was running, I thought, "Rachael is running a marathon right this second, and I am sitting on my couch in my bathrobe eating Cheetos," and I didn't feel an ounce of guilt. I was like, "Mmmmm.... Cheetos!" and then I thought about how my Old Testament teacher at LDSBC said that Cheetos are manna with orange coating, and then I thought, "Well, look at me! I'm having God's food for breakfast!" and at that point, I was far too distracted by the manna to feel bad about not being able to run a marathon.

Craving: a vacation. Normally I reserve this spot for food, but I just ate lunch, so I'm focused on adventures now.

Dreading: weekly group meetings for once of my classes this semester. Blech!

Wearing: skinny jeans that are way too small for me (squeeeeeeeze!) and gladiator sandals that are soaked because I got caught in the rain.

Needing: to stop eating hot dogs. I am seriously addicted to hot dogs. I like the all beef hot dogs from Costco - grilled, of course - with jDawgs sauce, sauerkraut, banana pepperss, and a pickle.  I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I have eaten at least 50 this summer. 


Must... quit... hot dogs!

Suffering from: tormented hair. I had a great hair day today - this first in a really long time, but then I got caught in a rainstorm (see "wearing" above), and things got nasty real quick.

Thankful for:  everything! Oh my goodness! I am so blessed. I have a home, I have manna and hot dogs to eat, I have clothes to wear (even though they are too tight), and I have the capability to go to a dentist and have my periodontal disease treated, even though it sucks to have periodontal disease.

Enjoying: having a baby in the house. Babies are so fantastic! Eva is such a joy. I could just eat her!

Proud of myself for: getting all of my homework done a week early. Too bad it's not an ongoing habit.

Frustrated by: this really embarrassing squealing noise that my van makes.

Looking forward to: our upcoming family vacation. Yes, we had a family vacation not too long ago, but I can't get enough of them, so we're going on another one.

Wishing: that I could buy a van with leather seats and a back up camera. I came *this close* to getting one a few weeks ago, but the one I wanted sold. Then we ended up needing a few thousand dollars worth of dental work done (see "thankful for" above) and racking up an ER bill within three days. Not good timing for buying new vans. Ain't that just how it goes?

Splurging on:  dental work. Periodontal treatment, a crown, and a root canal. Plus one more root canal in queue. Nicky goes to the dentist today, so we'll see what kind of stuff he needs done (at some point he needs four teeth pulled, braces, and a crown). 

Hoping to: find out that Scotty doesn't actually need that root canal.

Loving: having Daisy in kindergarten. She is rocking it!

Worried about: balancing school and family. I still have this underlying desire to drop out of school.

1 comment:

  1. should totally bring your totally loud squealing van over to my house and let my husband look at it/fix it for you. :)
