
Monday, July 15, 2013

Checking In

Hi there!

Don't let my lack of blogging fool you. I am still alive. I don't really have anything awesome to say right now, but sometimes you just have to pop up on the Internet and be like, "REMEMBER ME?!?"

So this is my version of that.

(Remember me?)

And just in case you've been losing sleep wondering what I've been up to, here are a few tid bits from my life lately:

  • This summer has been bombarded with stomach viruses. Daisy's had The Bug twice. I've had it twice. Nicky once. Scotty once. And pretty much all of our friends on the planet have had something, too. All within about a month's time. Yuck!

  • Nicky started taking piano lessons right after school ended. Now my house is full of the beautiful type of staccato piano music that six-year-olds create. PLINK PLINK PLINK PLANK PLINK PLONK PLUNK (That's "Old MacDonald," by the way). I think he's doing well. Especially considering how little I am making him practice (heck, I'm just happy I threw the word "staccato" in there. Look at me being all musical and stuff! Who needs practice anyway?)

  • I drank a Vanilla Coke today for the first time in about a year. It was gross. I never thought I would see the day when my body would reject Vanilla Coke. I'm still processing this phenomenon. 

  • Scotty and I have developed an addiction to Hi-Chews. There may or may not be nine empty Hi-Chew wrappers in front of my right this second. We are not proud, especially since we are trying so hard to make healthier choices (see previous account of Vanilla Coke dismissal). 

  • I love my van.

  • One of my New Year's resolutions was to run a mile. I finally ran a mile for the first time IN MY LIFE on May 30. Then I quit running for about six weeks because 1) I got lazy and 2) I got my wisdom teeth out. It took me a while after having my wisdom teeth out to be able to run again (Oh! The throbbing!) but I'm doing it! And I ran 2+ miles last Wednesday. This is huge, people. You should be impressed!

  • My goal was to reward myself at two miles with some new running shoes. I bought a pair, went to put them on, and discovered that I had two left shoes. A real runner would have tried both shoes on at the store. But then again, a quality shoe store would have CHECKED at the register to make sure they were selling a left and right shoe. So I blame them. Grumble grumble.

  • I know that wisdom teeth are a boring subject, but can I just tell you one thing? I was not prepared to have huge, gaping sockets on each side of my mouth. How did I not know about the annoying holes that would be leftover after my teeth came out? What is my problem? As Gollum would say, "We hates those nasty little socketses!" 

Aaaaand, I'm out of time. Darn. I was just about to get interesting!


  1. Yay for running shoes! Did you get the right set? How do you like them? Can you tell a huge difference?!


  2. U neef to sign up for s 5k... you get a shirt!

    Thanks for the update. It made this 3am feeding all the more bearable.
