
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Currently {July 2013 Edition}

Reading: nothing! But this week I read Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, Queen of the Air by Dean Jensen, and Being the Mom: 10 Coping Strategies I Learned by Accident Because I Had Children on Purpose by Emily Watts. Tomorrow morning I will decide what to read next.

Watching: So You Think You Can Dance and Master Chef. I also checked out Whodunnit last week, and I might watch it again. This is more TV than I care to be watching at any given time, but hey, it's summer.

Procrastinating: photocopying some baptism programs, planning Sharing Time, and purchasing some supplies from the Distribution Center. I rock at this Primary President thing.

Wanting: some new clothes. But I am standing by my New Year's resolution to not buy any new clothes or shoes.

Okay, I have a confession to make. I bought a pair of shorts and two shirts to get me through the summer. But I still think I'm doing pretty dang good.

Also? The shorts are hot pink and the shirt I got to go with them is bright blue, and I thought I was doing a good job being cute and colorful (I've never been very colorful in my attire - give me black, gray, and brown), but then I looked at myself in my at-home mirror, which is so much more telling than a dressing room mirror, and I realized I was wearing grandmotherly cruise wear.

I tell you no lie!

Why can we not see those things AT THE STORE?

(It probably didn't help that I went shopping at JC Penney. Or "Penney's" as the people who purchase that kind of clothing would say).

Craving: something cold and smooth. I'm not a big ice cream eater, but I could totally go for an ice cream type of thing right now. Also, anything with cream cheese frosting.

Wearing: stretchy pants and one of Scotty's t-shirts.

Relieved by: a $400 medical bill that I might not have to pay.  My insurance company has been wonderful to work with on this problem.

(The bill is from the mole/skin tag/wart removal in May. See if I ever let a dermatologist cut me again!)

Stressing about: language barriers. We have some families I need to go visit for Primary, and they speak very little English and/or have very thick accents. I really struggle understanding accents. In fact, I just spoke to a woman from Scotland today, and I couldn't understand the questions she was asking me, and I just laughed and nodded like an idiot, and she said, "You don't understand what I'm saying, do you?" I can't even fake it! I'm in trouble!

Missing: cool spring nights.

Excited to: take Nicky to see Despicable Me 2. I think I need to leave Daisy home. All she does during movies is pee. So we're in and out and in and out. I can't get the kid to pee at home, but as soon as she gets to the movie theater, she's peeing every half-hour.

Three year olds! Psht!

Neglecting: my appearance. I haven't worn make-up or done my hair all week. Sometimes I find this to be a rewarding experience because, on the day I finally do my hair and make-up, I look really good.

If you're feeling bad about yourself, just frump it up for a week. Then when you get all spiffied up, you'll think you're a supermodel.

Thankful for: my swamp cooler. I used to feel so picked on for not having central air, but now I'm like, "Wahoo! My power bill is less than $100 a month!" and "Woot! The replacement part on my swamp cooler is only $30!!"

There are a few downsides to having a swamp cooler, but I'm all for it these days!

Enjoying: the direct breeze from the swap cooler that hits me so perfectly when I sit at the computer.

(Yes, I still use a computer. Not a lap top. Not a phone. Not a tablet. I'm so out-dated).

I am also very thankful for the freedoms we enjoy in our great nation.

Loving: post-swimming naps. If you want your kids to take a good nap, take them swimming for five hours!

(Okay, so the swimming part is ridiculously complicated with three kids that could easily drown, but the nap? So worth it!)

Proud of myself for: running a mile tonight (my second mile of all time!!!) even though my wisdom teeth sockets were throbbing for the last 1/2 mile.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a huge huge fan of Masterchef but it hasn't recorded for about two weeks. Have you seen it? I know last week was a re-run but what about the week before? The lat new one I saw was Christines episode. I have decided I now fear Joe more then I fear Gordon. I think Joe would make me cry. Or maybe wet my pants. Or maybe curl up in a ball sobbing and shaking.
