
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Currently (Pre September 2024 Edition)


I’m still struggling with reading and have only finished one book since April, but I’m trying to get back into it. This has been such a weird thing to experience. I used to read about three books a week. 

Wearing: my night time clothes (i.e. my undies because I’m writing from bed, and I can’t sleep in clothes or I will die from overheating).

(And now I’m going to roll over and go to sleep because I’m super tired, so my next answer will be a daytime answer, and hopefully will involve less… er… undie exposure).

Laughing about: how bad 90’s boy band music is. I’ve been listening to some play lists lately, and, while I love the memories and the nostalgia, I’m kind of embarrassed by the music of my era. 

Buying: a projection alarm clock to display the time on my ceiling. I am no longer willing to turn my head to see the time at night. Also… butter. Because it’s on sale at Smith’s this week. 

Dreading: going to a doctor’s appointment tomorrow where I’ll have to own up to some poor behavior.

Worried about: two of my children who are having an especially hard time. 

(Re) Watching:

Eating: cold subs. I don’t know why, but this past month, I’ve been craving cold subs like a drug. I’ve gone to Jersey Mike’s and Jimmy John’s way more times than I care to admit. JJ’s has a $10 meal deal right now that will be the death of me (sandwich + chips + drink + dessert). And every time I start eating my cold sub, I realize that I am absolutely sick of cold subs, but then the next day, I crave it all over again. 

Annoyed by: some foul-mouthed neighbors that I hear yelling at each other constantly. The way they talk to their kids… the way they talk to their dogs… their loudness at all hours… it annoys me but also makes me very sad. I hate seeing people treat each other this way. 

Listening to:

Craving: (besides cold subs) sweater weather. I use the term “sweater weather,” but I don’t wear sweaters, so for me, the more accurate term would be “sweatshirt weather.”

Needing: to clean out our garage. Summer got the best of us. Everything is in disarray, and when it’s hot outside, we definitely don’t spend time in the garage keeping things orderly. 

Sad about: not taking our kayaks out a single time this summer! (Utah required a mussel awareness course to take out watercraft this year, and we never got around to doing it). 

Drinking: Diet Dr. Pepper. This is new. I began dabbling in DDP back in July, and now it’s my go to. Meanwhile, I keep trying to quit soda… again… you know how I be.

Cooking: Skillet Lemon Parmesan Chicken Zucchini and Squash (a recipe whose name I will never recite when asked what’s for dinner).

Singing: “Gary, Indiana.” It’s all Music Man all the time around here. Nicky is Harold Hill in the high school musical this year! (and Daisy is “adult female ensemble”).

Procrastinating: paying a doctor bill for $5. 

Bummed about: losing my phone on a rollercoaster a few weeks ago and having to get a new one but not being able to copy all my apps over. 

Avoiding: my children. At the beginning of August I snapped. I was tired of entertaining them and taking them out to do fun things all the time only to have them complain and fight with each other. I was tired of them leaving their stuff everywhere and never doing what I ask.  I haven’t recovered yet. 

Grateful for: those children I’m avoiding. 

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