
Friday, January 19, 2024

Forty Things I’m Bad At

In the last few days leading up to my birthday, I started thinking about fun things I could post on my blog to celebrate. I decided I was going to post a “forty list” each day for a week (or something like that), and I even started making the lists. Then I went to Disneyland, and I just wasn’t feeling it, so I didn’t do it, and now I have these weird lists in my draft folder that I need to either post or delete. 

I figure I might as well post them even though they are no longer relevant to my 40th birthday. It came. It conquered. It left me old.

(Tell me, do you take a shot every time I mention my 40th birthday?)

Anyway, here is my first list. I thought this one was timely after yesterday’s post. It’s like my anti-resume. Please know that I’m not trying to be mean to myself. There are some things I’m just not great at, and that’s okay. I figure I’m doing the world a favor by providing balance. 
40 Things I’m Bad At
  1. Spelling aloud
  2. Cleaning the shower
  3. Parallel parking
  4. Playing with kids
  5. Sight reading (music)
  6. Returning library books on time
  7. Golf
  8. Washing my face 
  9. Giving up soda
  10. Reading to my kids
  11. Following through with discipline
  12. Keeping up with my ministering sisters
  13. Putting things back where they go
  14. Filling up before the gas light turns on
  15. Sticking to the budget I elaborately plan
  16. Refraining from using swear words
  17. Keeping my kids tech time in check
  18. Dusting the ceiling fans
  19. Makeup
  20. Words of affection 
  21. Attending large gatherings
  22. Closing cupboard doors
  23. Keeping up on dishes
  24. Exercising
  25. Axe throwing
  26. Asking for help
  27. Accurately doubling recipes
  28. Listening
  29. Bowling
  30. Making my bed
  31. Putting my shoes away
  32. Hearing 
  33. Finishing antibiotics
  34. Picking up my prescriptions on time
  35. Loading PEZ dispensers
  36. Eating healthy
  37. Connecting with teens 
  38. Patience
  39. Yoga
  40. Sewing

1 comment:

  1. I just love that your blog funk passed and you are back in force. I love that your hobby is to online journal - it's not weird at all (I can say that because I obviously can't give it up either) it's my all time fave and the only one I compulsively check.
