
Saturday, November 11, 2023

While You Were Away

Scotty recently returned from a business trip to Asia. Being on the other side of the world didn’t give us much time to talk while he was gone (my days were his nights and my todays were his tomorrows), so I kept a little journal of sorts (i.e. blog post in my draft folder) where I wrote to him about what happened while he was gone. 

Day 1: Saturday 

I woke up at 5:30 to take you to the airport. Chick-fil-A doesn’t start serving breakfast until 6:30, but it’s fine. It’s not like I hoped for a chicken biscuit (i.e. drug biscuit) before 6:00… ahem… 

The kids and I went to your family’s Halloween party - except for Nicky who was having his first go at the ACT. Then we went to our ward chili cook off.

I tried to stay up and wait for our teenagers to get home from a region dance, but that 5:30 am airport drop off sans drug biscuit kicked in, and I passed out while watching Lessons in Chemistry. I set my alarm clock on my phone for every half hour so I could wake up and track the kids on my phone until they came home at almost midnight. They had to do a late-night McDonald’s run, of course.

Day 2: Sunday

I took the kids to church, and you texted me a few minutes into sacrament meeting to let me know you had finally arrived in Cambodia. After church we FaceTimed, and the kids were running around in the background and bringing grasshoppers in the house - reminding me why I never talk on the phone while they are home.

I let them play the Nintendo, which is normally something I make them take a break from on Sunday. They fought like vultures over a rabbit carcass. Then I made them all get in the van, and we went park hopping. We stopped at five parks. There was more fighting. 

In the evening, we went to your mom’s house to have breakfast burritos for dinner. Zoe and Eva actually got along while we were there, so that was nothing short of a miracle. We came home at 6:30, and I let them play Nintendo again, and they fought some more. At some point everyone ended up asleep, but I don’t remember how it happened. 

Day 3: Monday

I bailed on my morning walk with Julie and KoriAnn because I was coughing a ton. When I got up this morning, I was really fatigued. I decided to give myself a resting day. After I got everyone to school, you FaceTimed me for a bit. We are thirteen hours apart, so it was night there. We watched the crazy traffic at the intersection below your hotel window. 

You visited a garment manufacturer and a shoe manufacturer today. You ate some really creepy looking sea creatures and had a 90 minute massage where you had to wear very tiny underwear, and a Cambodian woman climbed on your back. Eek. 

Meanwhile, back in the USofA, I got swindled by Chick-fil-A (charged for a meal that was supposed to be free due to a glitch in the app) and took an hour long nap. I made chili mac for dinner and then spent a couple of hours out in the garage cutting out styrofoam coral reef. I wore sandals and ate ice cream out there - kind of oblivious to the 30-degree weather until I tried to walk and discovered that my feet didn’t work. A few hours later, they still didn’t feel right. Oops.

I made the mistake of googling the effects of inhaling melted styrofoam, and it turns out, I am going to die. 

Day 4: Halloween

Yesterday you left Cambodia and went to Vietnam. On Sunday I told your family that I hoped you would have to use one of those hole-in-the-floor toilets my Cambodian friend Mary used to show me photos of in high school. I got my wish, except you only had to pee. I secretly hope you have to poop in one before you come home, but I know you’d have to be pretty desperate. 

Today was exhausting. I finished painting a bunch of props for the musical at the high school and delivered them to the theatre teacher. 

I made some ham and potato soup and went to Timber’s for dinner. 

Then we met up with our neighbors and went trick or treating. I’ve never seen so many Spidermans (Spidermen?) in my life! I thought this was the year of Barbie, but Spiderman ruleth.

The house is a disaster, but I have another busy day tomorrow, so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to attend to that. Also, the girls are incessantly asking for pets, and they’re driving me nuts. 

Eva’s teacher emailed me today and said Eva kicked a kid in the crotch at school. So there’s that. 

Day 5: Wednesday

This morning I woke up to a photo of the eggs you were offered in Vietnam. OMG! (Oh my gag!)

Our house has been overtaken with donuts. Your mom showed up with donuts on Halloween. Then the neighbors brought us a dozen donuts. Then, when we trick or treated at your mom’s house, your mom gave each of the kids another donut. Guess what Zoe wants to take to school for her birthday tomorrow? Donuts! 

Today was pretty uneventful. I ran a lot of meaningless errands as to avoid housework. I started taking down all the Halloween decorations, but didn’t have the umph to finish.

Day 6: Zoe’s Birthday

We have another 11-year-old in the house!

Zoe woke up dark & early and made me sing Happy Birthday to her. Then she insisted on playing the Switch before school because it’s her birthday. She got dressed up in her homemade birthday sash, and then we went and picked up her donuts and took them to the school.

I am so sick of donuts.

I spent a few hours picking apart our Christmas tree in the back yard today. I clipped most of the decorations off and took off the lights. I’m getting rid of the tree after 20 years.

Daisy had a dance performance this afternoon, and she debuted her own choreography, which she hasn’t let us see because she wanted us to be surprised. I was so proud of her that I cried through the whole thing. I took a video, but she won’t let me show you. She wants you to wait and see it on stage with costumes.

We went out for Chinese food for Zoe’s birthday. Zoe chugged two glasses of water before her dinner came out, and then she was too full of liquid to eat. 

I bought Zoe and Eva new coats today, and by the fact that they wore them the rest of the night, I’m guessing they like them. 

Day 7: Friday

When we bought a new van a few weeks ago, I knew an appliance would go out within the month. I didn’t expect it to go like this:

Day 8: Saturday

You FaceTimed me from the Taipei Taiwan temple grounds today. You were headed to church in an English speaking ward. 

We had a bit of a lazy day. I let the girls play Roblox for way too long, but I also made them help me clean. I got the last of the Halloween decorations put away, but they are sitting in two giant bins stacked in the middle of the living room waiting for a big, strong man to move them for me (I mean, I could do it, but why?) I vacuumed up tons and tons of glass from the oven. I knocked most of it out, but little bits just keep falling, so I just keep vacuuming. I ordered a new oven, but it won’t be here until next Saturday. 

I dyed my hair a little lighter and covered my roots. I’ll be gray again by the time you get home.

Today is Michelle’s 40th birthday. We celebrated with a Turkey dinner at her house. I made stuffing in our broken oven.

Day 9: Sunday

Daylight Saving Time ended today. I remembered last night, but I forgot this morning, so I got up when I thought it was 8:00 and started getting ready for church. I was about to wake up the kids when I checked my watch and saw that it was 7:22. I was almost one of those people who show up an hour early to church! 

I was set apart for my new calling, and then I hit choir practice and squeaked my way through the songs (my voice is strained from the stupid cough I’ve had for three weeks). 

I tried to be a good mom today. I played games with the kids, dealt patiently with their fighting, and walked with Eva up to your mom’s house. 

Day 10: Monday

From this photo you sent from Taiwan, I can tell you are truly suffering!

Today was long. I’m writing this at 6:30 pm, but it feels like 9:30. We still have two hours until Daisy’s dance class… which I have to attend because it’s “parent watch day.” It was dark by 5:30, so I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t be leaving the house.

I did lots of laundry today, did makeup at the high school for a run through of the musical, then came home and did more laundry. 

The Tooth Fairy is coming for Eva tonight! She pulled out a tooth during dinner.

Day 11: Tuesday

This morning I made a legit omelette. Not an omelette turned scramble. 

I have conquered the mighty omelette!

I also cleaned Zoe and Eva’s room, so today pretty much deserves trophies all around. 

Day 12: Wednesday

Took Daisy to school. Took Zoe to Lego League. Took Eva to school. Worked on The Little Mermaid Set at the high school for six hours. Picked up Daisy from school. Picked up Zoe from school. Made dinner. Picked up Eva from Tennis & Tutoring. Took Eva to my mom’s house. Put Zoe in the bath. Took Daisy to Young Women. Picked up Eva from my mom’s house. Put Eva in the bath. Tucked everyone in bed.

Thank you and goodnight.

Day 13: Thursday 

McDonald’s raised their drink prices overnight. So long, $1 large Cokes. Yesterday my Coke cost $1.08 with tax. Today it was $1.40. 

I’m quitting again on Monday. Or maybe for Chinese New Year of 2024. Time will tell.

Our fence got tagged (again) last night as well as all the usual neighbors’ fences. I had to wait for the frost to melt off so I could go out and paint it. 

The weather has been amazing while you’ve been gone. This has been a perfect fall! But we had quite a bit of frost this morning. 

Zoe had her Hope of America program at the school tonight. That girl loves to perform! 

Boys have stopped by three times by dark of night to talk to Daisy while you’ve been gone. They are noisy. 

Tonight mom told me I look like I have a fever. I love when she tries to convince me that I’m sick. 

As of tonight, you are en route to home. Manila to Tokyo to LA to Salt Lake. See you in 24 hours.

Day 13: Friday

I did more set work at the high school today. I had big dreams of welcoming you home to a clean(ish) house with a home-cooked meal, but instead you came home to a normal (for us) messy house and Costco pizza.

The good news is… you made it back safe and sound.

The bad news is… you never had to poop in one of those Cambodian floor holes.

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