
Monday, February 7, 2022

I Have a Lot to Say About Waffles (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: I'm not normally a cold person, but today I'm cold. Luckily it's not the "oh no, I'm getting sick" type of cold. I'm just cold. Brrr!

Fact #2: Today I had one goal - make waffles! I have succeeded. Holla. 

Fact #3: I don't like waffles much, and I don't really like making them, but I have some waffle-loving kids (Zoe in particular). I also have several bags of pancake/waffle mix from the Food Bank that need to be used up, so I've been making large batches of mini waffles to freeze. 

I made a big batch last weekend, too, and they've already been eaten.

Fact #4: One of my COVID 2020 purchases was two mini waffle irons, and they come in handy for this.

Fact #5: Now Zoe is happy because she has waffles galore. I am happy because I can repeatedly say, "Go eat a waffle" whilst laying on the couch doing nothing. 

Fact #6: Couldn't you just buy Eggos? Yes, I could. But 1) Zoe specifically asks for "waffles that are not Eggos," and 2) I'm using up stuff that needs to be used up.

Believe me, I'm not above buying Eggos!

Fact #7: We went to see Hamilton over the weekend! I thought for sure one of us would get COVID and not be able to go, but we all made it! 

Fact #8: It was fabulous, of course, but of the three times I've seen it on stage, this was my least favorite cast and the worst seats. 

Fact #9: That night, I brushed my teeth in the dark, and I accidentally used my face scrub instead of toothpaste. 

It was absolutely awful. I could not get the taste out of my mouth even after switching to actual toothpaste. 

Fact #10: I love the song and music video for the Church's youth theme this year: Trust in the Lord. Give it a watch! 

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