
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

All About That Food

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #9:


What are the last three meals you ate?

French toast, chicken chili, and pizza

What are five of your family's favorite homemade dinners?

There aren't very many meals that everyone will eat, but here are the ones I have the most success with:

  1. Pioneer Woman's Mac & Cheese (with the addition of buttered panko on top with a slight broil)
  2. Tacos
  3. Hamburgers
  4. Sweet and sour chicken
  5. Lettuce wraps 

What traditions do you have centered around meals?

One is our "familyversary" dinner. Each year for our anniversary, we celebrate the day we became a family by preparing a dinner together. Everyone draws for a food assignment (appetizer, drink, main dish, side dish (2), and dessert), and then we get to pick what we want for that part of the meal. The kids love it, and we always end up with some funny food combinations.

Another is birthday dinners - we plan a night around each child's birthday dinner where they get to choose the menu. I'm rarely excited by what they pick, though. It's usually stuff like dinosaur chicken nuggets or Lunchables. I guess they don't understand that this tradition is supposed to feed my Mommy Ego, and I want them to pick something like, "Mom's chicken pot pie" or "Mom's beef stew."

A third one (for good measure) is our Game Night tradition with our friends. We have regular gatherings of dinner and board games as families (though the kids are kicked off the gaming table and expected to entertain each other).

What dish do you like that your family doesn't?

Buncha punks hatin' on Cowboy Dinner.

What time do you usually eat your meals?

7:00, 11:30. 5:00

What was your most recent meal eaten out?

On Friday night I went to Leatherby's with my friends and had a BLT with a dill pickle spear, cheese fries (with fry sauce, thankyouverymuch), and a small scoop of cookies n' cream ice cream. It was heavenly.

And for extra credit... the night before that, I went to a spouses dinner at a work retreat with Scotty, and I had an 8 oz filet mignon that I never wanted to end.

Are you a picky eater?

I'd like to think I'm not, but I'm sure I have some preferences that make me seem picky - like my aversion to nutmeg and quinoa, my disinterest in Mexican and Italian cuisines, and my constant commentary on taco soup being the armpit of the pantry.

I accuse everyone else of being picky eaters, though.

1 comment:

  1. For my birthday meal, I used to choose chicken crepes, which is a delicious recipe my mom made. However, it involved cooking chicken, making the sauce, making the filling, making crepes, stuffing & rollling up the crepes, etc. It was such a pain for my mom to make. So I guess I'm saying, be careful what you wish for! :)
